Globalization's effects on the international and Australian sporting landscape

A remarkable phenomenon of globalization

A remarkable phenomenon, globalization has attempted to unite the numerous cultural, political, and economic differences of different people, turning the world into a global village (Hargreaves 2002). It makes use of the most recent advancements in communication and transportation technology to promote dialogue and exchange among the guardians of various worldviews. The political, social, and economic dimensions have all been impacted, especially sports, which touch on all three (Jarvie 2012). In Australia, sports are an integral part of most people's leisure time entertainment and provide a platform for cross-cultural contact. Moreover, sporting offers employment opportunities either directly or indirectly to the citizens of Australia (Miller et al 2001). Therefore, a transition in the scope of sporting activities has far reaching consequences to the status quo of the country.

Positive Impacts of Sporting Globalization

Enhancing social interactions

The globalization of the sporting activities enhances social interactions. In most countries including Australia the competitions in games and sports were held up to the national level (Hargreaves 2002). This limited the variety of the people that were able to interact during the events. However, globalization has enabled the organization of international competition in games and sports (Jarvie 2012). This move has enabled the spectators of football and other games to travel widely across the world and meet people of varied cultural backgrounds. Players and coaches have also moved to foreign countries to play and train and have accrued ample social experience. From the incidences of exposure foreigners have made discoveries about the human race and their cultures a factor that has triggered foreign settlements and even intermarriages. In addition, games such as football and athletics play an important role in promoting peace and patriotism (Miller et al. 2001). Supporters of the same team will cooperate for the team's well-being and those representing the countries in international competitions will develop a sense of belonging.

Sporting activities as a reliable source of employment

Sporting activities as a result of globalization have become a reliable source of employment. Talented sportsmen and women have secured better employment opportunities courtesy of their talents in foreign lands (Miller et al. 2001). The sports industry today ranks among the top paying jobs in the world and the participants are in the category of wealthy persons. The availability of these opportunities have enabled the tapping and nurturing of talents as the talented persons are now coming out having learnt their talents could be a source of economic empowerment (Jarvie 2012). Consequently, companies and organizations sponsoring and training talented but poor sportspeople and helping them realize their dreams. These measures have increased the quality of the games and sports since the participants are well motivated and the sector receives adequate funding. Additionally, the requirement of playgrounds and stadiums for use during the games has granted job opportunities to the civil and construction industry (Hargreaves 2002). The manufacturing industries dealing in sportswear and other related regalia form part of the beneficiaries of sport globalization.

Economic benefits from international competitions

The destinations for international competitions in games and sports exhibit a lot of economic benefits from the events. International events such as Olympics and World Cup are funded by the international organizations such as FIFA and IAAF (Hargreaves 2002). These organizations fund the infrastructural upgrade in the hosting countries which encompasses the improvement of roads, hotels, stadiums in addition to beefing up security. As a result, the host country cuts down on its expenses to improve infrastructure; a component that constitutes a huge portion of a country's budget. During the event, the hospitality sector and businesses flourish since the fans of the various sporting activities will require accommodation, recreation and particular goods to make their stay in the country comfortable (Miller et al. 2001). That aside, the spectators and the sportspersons will be paying revenue to the government to access the stadiums and other playgrounds and this will be a source of income to the government. Prospective investors also find an opportunity to identify potential investment destinations a factor that boosts a country's economic status (Jarvie 2012). Moreover, the sporting activities provide an opportunity for the initiation of new trade relations between the visiting and host countries.

Political reforms and new relations

The countries taking part in international sports competitions stand a chance of experiencing marked political reforms and creating new political relations (Miller et al. 2001). The sporting activities bring different states together and thus create a platform through which the states can negotiate their political relations. The governments are likely to modify their migration, citizenship acquisition and trade policies to accommodate the interests of the citizens of both states. This in a bid to reduce the regulations that could impede their effort towards achieving enhanced partnership through holding cooperate meetings to sign trade relation and other beneficial deals. Additionally, the countries brought together through regional grouping for participation in sporting activities have a better chance of advancing the relations beyond the business of games to organizations fostering sustainable economic development and peaceful co-existence.

Negative Impacts of Sporting Globalization

Economic stagnation

Despite the approval globalization has received for enhancing economic growth, there are instances when it has resulted into economic stagnation (Hargreaves 2002). Local sportswear manufacturing companies have experienced competition from their international counterparts forcing them to withdraw their plants and lay off workers following the low market gains. This has resulted into unemployment and loss of revenue paid by these companies to the government. Withdrawal of such companies from the countries they were instituted also impacts on the suppliers of raw materials, the transport and communication sector as well as the banking services which stand to lose (Jarvie 2012). Sport investors may also find the prevailing business environment less conducive and as well relent.

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