Gender inequality: Gilman and Du Boi

The issue of gender disparity has long existed. The male gender is consistently regarded as being superior to the female gender. Since Gilman's time, there have been some developments in the area of gender equality. First, women now hold more influence in one way or another. In our society today, women are increasingly valued on par with males. Women are responsible for procreation, so Gilman reasoned that demonstrating their value and utility to society would also motivate women to become mothers.
I felt that several of Gilman's points generated a great deal of issues. The main one is his claim that the female gender can only be equal to male gender when they economically depend on themselves. This has been a problem to many families since women are trying all means to get jobs to the extent that families end up breaking up because of job issues. Before women were contented with their position of working at home and managing their families well but after Gilman’s time women want to be same as men in all perspectives. The issue of being economically independent has also led to increase in number of single parents. As long as a woman can afford bringing up her daughter or son she does not feel the need of having a man. The problem that is done with is the claim that female gender offer humiliating work. In the current generation women deliver good work just like men so I consider that problem solved.

Du Bois ideas can be compared to Gilman’s the he argues on race while Gilman argues on sex. Du Bois first argument is that social harassment is undermined by most people, those who benefit from the framework cannot view the same framework. Legislative subject has a single example for this. In most cases the disadvantaged people in the society always suffer in tackling money related issues. The second claim for Du Bois is supplementary mistreatment and social harassments were in the past and cannot be implemented in this generation (Appelrouth & Edles, 2016). Due to these parts, the harassed group, which is the few ones gained the knowledge of two fold. They understand themselves from their own groups and they are very keen of their behavior from the oppressor side. When African Americans meet they gain confidence in their race and this helps the race to put forward strong thoughts of their race (Appelrouth & Edles, 2016). They are also sure that oppressors have negative thoughts about the blacks for example being not ready to be given the benefit of the main race or community.

Both Gilman and Du Boi have the argument of survival in their theories. In Gilman’s theory she argues that women are trying to survive among men and this argument is also seen in Du Boi’s argument of how African American are trying to survive among the whites knowing very well that they don’t have good thoughts about them.


Appelrouth, S., & Edles, L. D. (2016). Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings. Sage.

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