Gender Discrimination in Contemporary World

The rapid expansion of globalization and advancements in contemporary world have made the life more hectic and frenzied than before. The growing number of requirements by the family members and social connections make it very difficult for the job holders to balance their personal and professional lives effectively. On the one hand, the family asks for the provision of facilities that have become an essential part of modern life. On the other hand, friends and colleagues demand a hangout together on a beach or hills. Struck between these two situations are the married people who find it very difficult to stabilize their professionalism with routine life.

Today’s life is more chaotic, demanding, and expensive than it was in the past. Going back to 100 years ago, people had more time to sit together and share their everyday life experiences with each other. They did not have to worry about their financial expenses since the life was very economical and inexpensive. Even one job holder was able to serve a large number of family members without any problem. Moreover, the cultural norms and social values did not have any severe impact on the lives of the individuals. Organizations were open to accepting both men and women as a part of their workforces. However, the situation is not same now.

Despite having all the necessary qualities and traits that are essential for becoming a successful professional, women are not preferred as leaders in most of the organizations. If we look at the routine life of women, they spend more hectic and frenzied experience than their male counterparts. Women have to manage their domestic matters, take care of their family members, establish the social connections, and monitor the professional activities of their organizations. In fact, the best mothers and the top professionals are the real superhumans of our society. We have to appreciate their efforts in building a healthy and highly socialized world. But the questions is that do women get the position they deserve in our society? I think no!

Women have to face discrimination at every stage of their life. Starting from the childhood, sons are preferred to daughters for no reason. Most of the parents pray to their God for having a son and not the daughter. Do not know why, but it still happens even in the most civilized and sophisticated societies. With time, as the girls reach their teenage, they are presented as a piece of pleasure and enjoyment with no real feelings. Making misuse of their innocence and purity, boys often use little girls for their benefits and throw them away like toys. The rising incidents of sexual harassment and gang rapes in the advanced world are the examples of discernment that females are facing every day in their lives.

Talking about their professional world, the situation of working women is not much different than that of little teenage girls. A job holder female has to face similar challenges of sexual harassment, gender discrimination, favoritism, and persecution from their male colleagues. As argued by Dormant, more than 60% graduate students in the United States are females. Moreover, due to having higher GPAs than male students, female graduates are more likely to get hired by reputable organizations. They deserve the same place and position that is provided to their male contestants having similar qualifications and abilities. However, this does not happen since women are not preferred to be made a part of the workforce in most of the organizations.

The question is elementary, why women are ignored or discriminated only by their gender? Despite being more competitive, highly qualified, and exceptional leaders, why women do not get the position they deserve in the professional world? The answer to this question is also very concise. That is, living in a male-dominant society, women never even realized the importance of their skills and competencies. Sadly, a large portion of females today have accepted the discriminating levels that are promoted by males. Most of the women today are not even aware of their social and professional rights. They do not even bother to think what do they deserve and what they are getting in the world.

In another research, it was argued that most of the reputable organizations in the world have an equal number of male and female workers. These statistics were entirely in favor of women that are an integral part of contemporary workforces. However, the other side of the picture is devastating. A survey report by Pew Research Center revealed that American women do not even hold more than 15% of Fortune 500 executive-officer positions in the United States. The question here is again similar to the previous one: Why women cannot become leaders despite working equally as men? The sound behind preferred executive-level positions for male employees is straightforward that we are a part of a male-dominant society where females can never take the status of their male counterparts.

Another irony of this matter is that as a highly developed and civilized nation, do we Americans provide that respect and honor to women that they deserve? Is American society supportive for female job holders or not? In my opinion, we are far behind than the advanced world in this case because despite spending more than 100 years, American society never elected a female as their president. From George Washington to Donald Trump, Americans never trusted in a female candidate to rule their lives. Moreover, except Victoria Woodhull and Hillary Clinton, none of the American women ever tried to participate in the U.S Presidential elections and reform the lives of the American people. These statistics show our conserved mental approach and the pessimistic outlook towards women. We have to think about that and should take steps to break the conspiracy that male are better than females.

Lastly, I would conclude the whole discussion in three main points. Firstly, there is no reality behind this logic that females have much difference from males. Except having a few physical and mental disparities developed by nature in these two genders, men and women are capable of performing all the tasks with equal efficiency and productivity. Taking one step further, I would say that at many points, women are superior to men and can perform the given tasks effectively. Secondly, the American society needs to reform its mental approach and change its outlook towards females. We must have to come out of our conservative thought and think towards our future. Lastly, gender discrimination in professional networks must be strictly prohibited at all levels. It is the equal responsibility of civil society and the government to take strict actions against those companies that victimize the rights of female employees and prefer their male counterparts.

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