Garth Brooks

Dr., you don't have a tablet.For whatever's making this planet illYou cannot purchase forgiveness from a shop.Additionally, peace is a politician's battle.No resolve can be found at the bottom of a bottle.The sun, the moon, or AristotlePeople liking people is the only solution to the issue.That is the adversary of all that is negative.There isn't a magic wand at the end of a needle.All that exists is human love.There's more to words than meets the eyeLies are free, and talk is inexpensive.We are afraid of what we don't know.And we've been afraid since the beginning of time.The various hues and ethnicitiesSpindle-like around us, pleaseIt was a challenging puzzle.But the answer is so easy.individuals are loving other individuals. That's the enemy of everything that's evilAin't no quick fix at the end of a needleIt's just people loving peopleWords aren't what they seem to beTalk is cheap and lies are freeWe fear what we don't understandAnd we've been scared since time beganAll the colors and the culturesCircle 'round us on a spindleIt'd a complicated riddleBut the solution is so simpleIt's people loving peopleThat's the enemy of everything that's evilAin't no quick fix at the end of a needleIt's just people loving peopleYou can pawn it off on kings and queensAnd those behind the curtainSay one can't make a differenceIn a world so full of hurtingBut I believe the remedyStarts right here with you and mePeople loving peopleThat's the enemy of everything that's evilAin't no quick fix at the end of a needleIt's just people loving peopleIt's just people loving peopleIt's just people loving people

Garth Brooks. People Loving People. Musixmatch.

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