Frontline, Kill/Capture

Episode 14 of Season 29 of Frontline

Kill/Capture, created by Dan Edge and Stephen Grey, provides information on the ongoing efforts being made by nations to combat terrorism. The producers of the documentary film Episode from the TV show Season conduct a thorough inquiry into the United States' unprecedented campaign of targeted killing. Watch Full Episodes Online of Frontline on PBS | Kill / Capture., 2012). The documentary centers on the lawless border regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, where the producers meet with the US Special Forces pursuing those organizations and the defiant Taliban militia. The documentary investigates in details the war in Afghanistan and describes the mission that led to the capture and of Osama Bin Laden, the al Qaeda leader. The documentary points out how USA military actions in the subject country and the unexpected consequences the actions produced. The film aims at explaining if the US government can get out of Afghanistan after almost ten years of war.


As we learned in class, involves any unlawful use of intimidation and violence especially against civilians while in pursuit of political aims. In the video, there are many instances of terrorism where the military conduct an unwanted search for people in villages thought to have wanted criminals belonging to the Taliban militia. At one instance in the earlier parts of the documentary, an army soldier from the USA explains that they have to wake up people from their beds and search all their houses ("Watch Full Episodes Online of Frontline on PBS | Kill / Capture.", 2012). Little do they know the consequences especially when they hold leaders of clans, which have the high influence of their followers? The counter insurgency principle as explained in the film that it believes in killing the right people extends to affecting and intimidating even the non-culprits due to political aims of United States to finish illegal militia and not the pursuit of the population of Afghanistan.


“Watch Full Episodes Online of Frontline on PBS | Kill / Capture.” (2012). PBS. Retrieved 10 August 2017, from

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