In the history of the United States of America, the American civil war is very important. The civil war is documented as the largest war in the history of America, where six hundred thousand of the three million warriors who fought in this war lost to the battle for independence....
Words: 2992
Pages: 11
Paintings of George Washington I have chosen the paintings of George Washington which was created on 1 January 1796 in Boston. This artwork is additionally known as the unfinished and Athenaeum portrait. After visiting the museum of best arts virtually, I learned several matters regarding the artwork. For example, the artist...
Words: 650
Pages: 3
The Raise Act will slash legal immigration by half over the next decade with the introduction of President Donald Trump's immigration bill, potentially closing the door to non-English-speaking persons and thereby abandoning U.S. immigration's once sacrosanct and humane policies. With the strong involvement of Stephan Miller, who insists that the...
Words: 862
Pages: 4
True, in this pluralistic world we can't fully redefine the economy, but we can establish economic policies. Nevertheless, to ensure justice prevails, there needs to be a striking balance for all citizens. How else are the wealthy going to be taxed in this respect? More than a quarter of all government...
Words: 368
Pages: 2
Introduction On October 3, 2016, an article written in the Los Angeles Times reported that Pope Francis was not going to support Donald Trump for the presidential election. Instead, Pope Francis opted to urge the American faithful to "pray, study the two proposals well and choose with a conscience." A blog...
Words: 305
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