Essays on Max Weber

Rationalization in the Contemporary Society

In sociology, rationalization refers to as the substitution of traditional customs, emotions, and values as behavior motivators in the society with concepts founded on reason and rationality (Cherepanov et al., 2013). Types of rationality include; practical rationality which involves deciding on the best way to achieve predetermined results systematically. Theoretical...

Words: 1836

Pages: 7

Bureaucracy “iron cage”

According to sociologist Weber, bureaucracy is one of the best administrative structures for fulfilling an organization's objectives. He continues by explaining how bureaucracy organizes several people to pursue administrative tasks. The significance of the term in the sociological sphere was determined by Weber's sociological analysis of the phrase. According to Weber,...

Words: 382

Pages: 2

Max Weber: three categories of legitimate authority

The Three Categories of Legitimate AuthorityThe three categories of legitimate authority are traditional authority, legal authority, and charismatic authority, according to philosopher and sociologist Max Weber. Each of these authority exemplifies a specific style of leadership in the society of today. Max Weber expanded on the establishment of each sort...

Words: 550

Pages: 2

Public Administration of Max Weber

Max Weber, who is a well-known economist, was born in 1864 and greatly contributed to sociology. His birthplace was Prussia, which is now Germany. He was raised in a home where his father was very interested in politics, which later in life influenced him. In 1882, Max Weber began studying...

Words: 1090

Pages: 4

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