“Parks and Recreation” is a television sitcom that revolves around political satire in the United States. The show aired between 2009 and 2015and was made by Michael Schur and Grag Daniels (Moyer). It is centered on star Leslie Knolpe with the plot set in the fictional town located in Indiana....
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In what sense could we say / not say that (a) Euripides' "Bacchae" and (b) Williams' "Cat" stand in the Aristotelian tradition of drama? Do you think Aristotle's theory is still relevant today? The Aristotelian tradition of drama Aristotle presents one of the earliest philosophical dissertations on literary theory in his...
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Aristotle’s poetic theory was the first philosophical dissertation in the West to center on literary theory, and it is the earliest extant exertion of dramatic theory. In this theory, Aristotle describes poetry, which in Greek means “making” to explain the domain and context of literary work categories as verse drama;...
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Although most people work to earn money and fund their lives, we should note that work is not all about receiving a paycheck. Some people find work unpleasant and demanding in their lives and therefore, they decide to do whatever they can and utilize whatever chance they can get to...
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William Wordsworth ideas behind human perception entail the way people perceive things and that it can be different even if they receive the same stimuli. This ideal means that each individual’s mind is unique and complex, placing more worth on the individual mind. The poem, Lines Written in Early Spring,...
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At first I perceived the narration as real life scenery explaining the courtship relationship between the two couple, but my perception was at last diverted towards the end into a movie. As I read further in the genre, I felt at first that the book was all about mystery where...
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The Red Wind The Red Wind story depicts the moral decadence that engulfed the community that stayed in California. It commences with the blowing of wind during the dry season. The wind is filled with dust and passes deep into the nerves of whomever it blows. This creates tension due to...
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Johnny: The Kind, Curious, and Acquisitive Character Johnny is among the several characters in the story, The Man with the Heart in the Highlands, by William Saroyan. Throughout the story, Johnny plays various significant roles in enhancing the plot buildup through assisting in the development of other characters such as his...
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Edgar Allan Poe, 1809 to 1849, is an American essayist, short story compiler, and poet arguably viewed as one of the best as well as complex American literary figures that inspired many writers in the 19th century even beyond Gothic theme (Hutchisson 01). The choice of horrific themes and tones,...
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The Life of Eveline and Her Decision to Stay The life of everyone encompasses the daily challenges of making crucial decisions which affect both friends and the family. The Eveline is one of the exciting short stories by James Joyce, describing a story of the protagonist Eveline, whose life’s decisions are...
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Eliot's poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock": An Exploration of Modernist Poems Eliot's poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is termed as a pioneer of the Modernist poems, owing to its awakening of the literary world to an entirely new world. The poem is centered on the...
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Authored by Lorraine Hansberry, ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ focuses on a young man, Walter Lee who evolves through character changes. He is the dynamic character and the unconventional hero of the story, living with his wife, mother, sister and son in the southern side of Chicago. They live at...
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