Essays on Greek Mythology

The Autism Fallacy Regarding Vaccines

Vaccines have undeniably aided in the eradication of many infectious diseases. However, recently eradicated viruses have resurfaced as a result of the growing number of parents who fail to vaccinate their autistic children. While there have been questions about vaccine safety, it was not until Andrew Wakefield's publication in 1998...

Words: 1743

Pages: 7

“Antigone” is a tragedy by Sophocles

Sophocles' tragedy "Antigone" Sophocles' tragedy "Antigone" was composed in or around 441 BC (Honig). The play is set in Thebes, where two heirs, Eteocles and Polynices, contend for Oedipus' kinship throne. Eteocles starts the war by sitting on the throne against Oedipus' orders. Both of them are killed on the battlefields....

Words: 531

Pages: 2

Downfall of Oedipus Is the Work of the gods; Othello Self-inflicted

Othello, Moor of Venice, by William Shakespeare, and Oedipus King, by Sophocles, share some parallels in that they all feature characters who are befallen by tragedies outside their grasp. The misfortune of King Oedipus was caused by the gods' job. This was due to the gods' prophecy that the king...

Words: 1755

Pages: 7

Hercules Art Research

Figure 1: Sculpture of Heracles carrying the Erymanthian boar. Figure 1 The Hercules art work is a piece of marble relief with Heracles carrying the Erymanthian boar. The Image days about 27 BC to about 68 A.D at some stage in the Augustan or Julio-Claudian era associated with the Roman empires Sidamara...

Words: 874

Pages: 4

The Head of Medusa and Perseus

The bronze sculpture Perseus with the head of Medusa additionally called Cellini’s Perseus is a masterpiece of Italian Mannerism that is one of the most common statues in the Piazza della Signoria. The making of the sculpture used to be motivated by the want to replicate the Greek classical style...

Words: 2092

Pages: 8

Oedipus Rex

Sophocles' Oedipus Rex is a tragedy based on Athenian thought, and it is one of three Theban plays that have survived and depict Oedipus' fate. Oedipus is the King of Thebes, unaware that his throne is the fulfillment of a prophecy that occurred without his knowledge. He married Jocasta, the...

Words: 1387

Pages: 6

Is One Gender Better at Math than the Other

Females are just as good at math as males. In 'The Prevalence of Gender Myths in Math' released online on 12 October 2004, Barnett and Rivers suggest that the gender disparity in math and STEM courses is the product of societal factors that have persuaded most girls to be good...

Words: 1214

Pages: 5

The Iliad by Homer

“How Are Hector and Achilles The Same in The Iliad” “The Iliad” epic of Homer happens in the 9th year of a decade hostilities between the Achaeans and Trojans. This greater fight places Achilles (of Achaeans) as well as Hector (of the Trojans) in direct war because they are...

Words: 2013

Pages: 8

Odysseus’ Actions in Book XXIV

A Hero's Journey: Odysseus A hero is a fictional character who faces hardship with immense courage, ingenuity, and power, often at the detriment of their own personal well-being for the sake of the people they serve or lead. As a result, a hero is bound to be praised for his brilliant...

Words: 646

Pages: 3

“The Persistence of Gender Myths in Math”

Are men better off at math? This paper would discuss the essay "The Prevalence of Gender Myths in Math" by Barnet and Rivers, 2004. Barnet and Rovers contend that the gender disparity between math and STEM courses is the product of societal influences. Most girls don't think they're good at...

Words: 1256

Pages: 5

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