Essays on Geography

An earthquake

An earthquake is a series of vibrations caused by the sudden rupture or rebounding of rocks in areas where elastic strain accumulates slowly within the Earth's crust. Different plates make up the Earth's outer layer. The leaves aren't stationary; they continue to move. Their movement is responsible for the formation of mountains,...

Words: 1058

Pages: 4

Disturbances in the Atmosphere

Atmospheric disturbances are changes in the natural state of the atmosphere that affect the surface and may indicate severe weather. Storms, secondary circulations, cyclones and anti-cyclones, tropical disturbances, thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, and snowstorms are examples of atmospheric disturbances. “A hurricane is a severe, tropical cyclone with winds greater than...

Words: 837

Pages: 4

First Person Experience about Going on a Cruise to the Bahamas

My First Cruise Adventure When my dad took me to the port, at the same time, I was nervous and overjoyed. That was going to be my first trip on a cruise. My pal Tony has come along. My dad had offered to take me to the dock the night before,...

Words: 837

Pages: 4

About Global Warming

IntroductionGlobal warming leads to a gradual rise in the surface temperature of the atmosphere and the waters of the Earth. Shift is increasingly affecting the atmosphere of the Earth and, as such, there are a number of issues surrounding the existence of global warming. Through means of data analysis and...

Words: 1124

Pages: 5

John Luther Adam's Become Ocean Review

Adam Luther is an American writer whose composition is enthused by nature particularly the sceneries of Alaska where he lived. Music that John Luther Adams writes lacks human emotions traces. It is implacable, process, but always is a lovely lot in its precise ways. Through ‘Become Ocean’ Adams won an...

Words: 632

Pages: 3

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