Essays on Environment Problems

The Effects of Globalization on Climate Change

Introduction: Over the years, global warming has become a major topic across the globe. Globalization plays a major role in accelerating the problem of the aforementioned phenomenon otherwise known as climate change. The increase in scientific knowledge has enabled the professionals to come up with ways to combat global warming. The...

Words: 1487

Pages: 6

The Impact of Recycling on Food Production

According to EPA website provisions, the critical issue of plastics in the environment necessitates the need for keeping the environment safe. The challenge of plastics means that the natural processes of food production have been adversely affected. It underlines the need for possible methodologies to assist in protecting the environment....

Words: 813

Pages: 3

Environmental Pollution

Article: Pollutants from plant killed fish in China by Neil Gough on New York Times published on September 4, 2013. Retrieved from; https:\/\/\/2013\/09\/05\/world\/asia\/thousands-of-fish-killed-by-waste-from-Chinese-plant.html Overview of the article: Gough, in the article, identifies that the work of clearing the dead fish found in the FU River is hard work but the Wuhan s...

Words: 599

Pages: 3

Is the Money Spent on Saving Endangered Species Worth It?

Is the money spent on saving endangered species worth it? They are facing extinction day by day at an alarming rate that is why it is important human beings do everything to save the natural resources. Human beings cannot exist alone. People have a codependent relationship with the environment. A...

Words: 1207

Pages: 5

The Importance of Environmental Conservation

Human activities have contributed significantly to the environmental problems that the world is facing. They include the use of pesticides and spraying of massive quantities of chemicals during oil exploration among others. Whereas there are benefits linked to the use of these chemicals, the cost of environmental degradation is far...

Words: 613

Pages: 3

Rhetorical Analysis of the Water Crisis in Cape Town

The main motivation or purpose of writing the final draft is to analyze some of the rhetorical skills that the author of the core source uses to explore the issue of the water crisis in Cape Town. On the other hand, on the audience, my first audience is the instructor...

Words: 212

Pages: 1

The Future of Renewable Energy

Introduction Throughout the life of Mankind, man has been using fossil fuels in meeting his energy requirements. Oil, natural gas, and coal have for many years powered machines and lit homes, driving civilization forward. But as development continues to accelerate, the unsustainability of such forms of energy is becoming apparent. The...

Words: 1707

Pages: 7

Climate Change and Conflict in West Africa

Aribigbola research work focused on the discussion of the link that exists between climate change and the armed conflict that is present in West Africa countries that includes Nigeria. The conflict emerges from disputes in oil production. The article will be used to support the claim that oil production leads...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

Small Island Developing States and Climate Change

Small Island developing states do not have agency with respect to climate change The United Nations Department of Economics categories 51 states and territories as Small island Developing States (SIDS) (Barnett, 2001). These states and territories are situated across that Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, and in the Caribbean Sea. The...

Words: 1456

Pages: 6

Pacific Islanders and Climate Change

The planet is undergoing Anthropocene period which is a geologic time period greatly influenced by a human being centered on the devastating global facts that biospheric, hydrologic, geologic, atmospheric and other earth system processes have been interfered with due to human activities. Human behaviors can be largely blamed for the...

Words: 1765

Pages: 7

Bushmeat Harvesting and Trade

If bushmeat harvesting is stopped, this will have adverse effects on the people who depend on it. Most rural people depend on bushmeat for their food and livelihood. For instance, these people depend on bushmeat as their primary source of food and some for sale to get money for other...

Words: 457

Pages: 2

The Influence of Land Use on Walkability

I live in Pico Rivera City Pico Rivera City is located in southeastern parts of Los Angeles County in California State. It is situated roughly eleven square miles from downtown Los Angeles. The population of Pico Rivera has grown drastically over time and occupies approximately nine square miles (California,...

Words: 731

Pages: 3

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