Exploring the Impact of Alcohol Consumption at Sixteen: Health, Social, and Developmental Consequences

In most cases, the teenager will tend to rebel and repel any measure that has been put to restrict their behaviors.  Restricting them from taking a staff like the alcohol at the age of sixteen years is one of the areas that will express resistance in.  Additionally, there are some other areas where they will express the same degree of resistance.  For the small middle class, there is the myth of mature continental taking alcohol. The legend, however, has held for a majority of communities across the globe.  Cutting down the age for taking alcohol might be adverse in some cultures where the modeling of the teenagers will become a night mere. Additionally, there will be a possibility to affect some of the significant activities that the teenager are involved in. In the United Kingdom and the world at large, at the age of sixteen years, almost every teenager is involved in are of knowledge acquisition, therefore allowing them to take alcohol and the alcohol-related product will reduce their indolent in the core matters. 

Never the less, at the age of sixteen, a majority of the teenagers are still at their development age. Thus introducing foreign agents into the body will interfere with different processes in the body. This will have a positive effect on the extent of contracting disease related to alcoholism. For instance, there will be increased cases of issues such as liver cirrhosis will reflect an increased figure due to early alcohol induction to the generation.  Further, at the teenage age, there are some of the essential processes and transition taking place within the body some of which are hormonal, other voluntary and other involuntary. Such processes might be affected. For example at the age of sixteen, processes such as adolescent are at the pick.  Most of the teenager will have a burning desire to put some process into practice. When connected with taking of alcohol, it will act as a catalyst for putting such processes into practice, for instance sex-related issue might register an increase among the teenagers. The worst thing about it is the issue of contracting diseases such as the HIV AIDS and increased cases of early pregnancies. Legalizing alcohol taking in the UK will have more of drawbacks than the advantage to the upcoming generation. Just to add, when a majority of men are exposed to taking alcohol at their early age, there is some vital process that will be affected adversely. For instance process such as spermatogenesis will be affected. Increased cases of infertility in men will reflect the result.

Statement of the problems

Taking off too much alcohol among the young people will have clear harm.  This will be made worse by the fact that the teenager is in the growing bracket. From some research that has been conducted, it is clear that early exposure to alcoholism will have an adverse effect as opposed to the same exposure at an older age.  Young people when exposed to drinking, they will show long-term impact (Kypri, 2016 p.129). An example will be having cases of unprotected sex increasing the incidence of contracting the disease and early pregnancies.  The study from the United Kingdom has shown that teenagers losing their virginity do so under the influence of alcohol.  It is therefore essential to protect the dignity of the young people by opposing the debate of legalizing drinking at the age of sixteen years.


General objective

To create awareness to the public of the United Kingdom on the harm of legalizing drinking at the age of sixteen years.

Specific objectives

Determining the body negative physiological and psychological changes related to taking alcohol at a teenage age (sixteen years)

To compare the effect related to taking of alcohol at an early age with that of an older age


Null hypothesis (H0): Early alcohol exposure will hurt the teenagers

Null hypothesis (H0): Early drinking of alcohol will lead to increased incidence of suicide, early pregnancies, and contraction of contagious diseases.


 A document report on the why drinking should not be legalized at the age of sixteen years.  The repulsion of taking of alcohol at an early age will be adverse to the subject socially, health wise and even emotionally (Law, 2017 p.1471). The type of community that will be raised after legalizing drinking at the age of sixteen years will be a chaotic, miserable, less determined, vulnerable, unproductive and low dignity.

Chapter two

Literature review

Alcoholism or alcoholism dependent is categorized in the class of diseases with a symptom of the other on the real diseases. Alcoholism has symptoms such as craving for hard drinks. Loss of control when it comes to the use of alcohol, experiencing issues of physical dependence such as nausea, shakiness, sweating and increased anxiety. Additionally, own suffering alcoholism has got the tendency of surviving a higher dose of alcohol intake (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism' 2006).  There has been a belief by a majority of people that taking of alcohol is a way to ease their problems and those that are related to their families, Problems from the place of work as well as from the general society (Cawson, 2016).  Alcoholism acquisition may lead to complications that might be more serious in some other cases (National Institute on Alcohol Alcoholism' 2016).

Abuse and Effect of alcoholism

Alcoholism broods a broad spectrum of the effect that ranges from physical, biological aspect of an individual as well as the effect on the general society.  From different studies, it has been reported that a mild alcoholism exposure will have issues to do with decreased vision ability, miss co-ordination hearing and maintaining of balance as well as emotion and impaired judgment.  Additionally, the individual will suffer cases of a hangover after relief from the drunkenness (“What is Alcoholism?” 2013). Similarly, the victim of alcoholism on a prolonged exposure will be expressed by symptom and characteristics that are more advanced. Among them will include anorexia, deficiencies of certain essential elements such as the vitamins, Ailment of the stomach and sexual importance. Never the less, cases liver cirrhosis will be pronounced in case the subject has surpassed the threshold (“What is Alcoholism?” 2013).

Adolescent and alcoholism

Alcoholism problem will not only be a problem of the adult. A significant number of the teenager who has been exposed to alcoholism will experience the same effect which might be more severe due to the early alcohol exposure (Califan0, 2015). According to none of the research conducted by the National institution the issue of Alcoholism, it 3was evidenced that adolescent who begins drinking alcohol before the age of 15  to 16 are four times likely to develop alcohol dependence than the elderly National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism' 2016). Additionally, early exposure to alcohol will potentially have a direct relationship with issues of violence with the adults (Califano, 2015).

According to the estimation that has been done, it has been evidenced that over three million teenagers are alcoholic, with some other several million suffering severe effects that are related to cases of alcoholism such that they are unable to manage themselves (Califano, 2015). In regards to the latter reason, the reason to actively oppose the debate for legalizing drinking at ten age of sixteen in the UK has been found (Law, 2017 p.1471).. When prevented, the number of teenager su8ffering from the effect of drinking will be reduced, and a way to rehabilitate the already affected will be made possible.

Chapter three


The research will be conducted in three two phases within the four selected cities in the UK. The cities that will be selected include: Birmingham, Cambridge, wales Wolver Hampton and Bristol. The first phase will involve areas of Birmingham and Cambridge that will take two weeks collecting the information (Kypri, 2016 p.129). The second phases of the research will be done in the three remaining cities for three weeks. While conducting the interview, the researchers will also be monitoring the possibility of the teenagers to have been exposed to alcohol already.

Research design

A qualitative method will be used in conducting the research. Descriptive method, most of the finding will be obtained through the survey (Gruenewald, 2011 p.248). Here well-designed questionnaires containing relevant open-ended questions will be presented to the participant of the groups. Filling in of the questionnaire will be done by the researcher according to the response that the participant will give to a particular question. Upon the completion of the survey; the questionnaire will be collected for data analysis.


 Conducting o the interview will be of taking alcohol. The second group will involve the general public both the drinkers and done by the use of three groups in different areas.  In order to ensure adequate representation and meaningful information, the interview will be conducted using three group of twelve participants in every case. The first interview will be conducted between the teenagers who are already victim’s nondrinkers. The third and the final group will involve the parents. After the completion of the interview sessions, the data obtained will be analyzed and scrutinized to come up with a detailed view from the groups.


50 reams A4 size printing paper

Computer/a laptop or desktop for typing of the questions

Five packets of the bullpen

Five polythene bags

A calculator                           

A camera

Discussion of the results

These will be the heart of the research to bring out a clear meaning of the results. A positive result will be discussed, and justification is given in line with the question under study. The discussion of the result will form a basis for drawing a conclusion based on the fact that the people in the areas where the research will be conducted d will have given their true response on whether to legalize drinking of alcohol at the age of sixteen years. Additionally, the obtained results offer a basis for understanding the people diversity concerning a social matter that might interfere with an individual’s life either positively or negatively.


The recommendation will give to fill an existing gap.  The recommendation will be given to do something that is in existence in a better way. From the way the research will be conducted, an open opportunity to offer viable recommendations to the government and the subject will prevail. At this point, the researcher will recommend what he/she thinks or see that could do in line with the results from the analysis of the results. There will be two recommendations that will be given. This will be done in line with the number of hypotheses that the researcher will be basing his result in,


The drawbacks of legalizing taking alcohol at an early age will always outdo the benefits related with the practice. The effect will range from health, emotional, physical and social orientation of the victims; much will have to be done in line with the will of the people. When summing up all the findings from the research that will be conducted, a conclusion will be drawn to either legalize drinking at the age of sixteen years or do away with it. Additionally, there will be two conclusions each addressing a particular hypothesis



unit price

Total price

50ream A4 size printing paper






5 packet of ballpein






5 polythene bag



 A calculator






A camera





            WORK PLAN





J April



Literature review

Proposal writing


Experimentation, data collection, and analysis

Project presentation

Project report writing and submission

Reference list

Cawson, P., Wattam, C., Brooker, S. and Kelly, G., 2016. Child maltreatment in the United Kingdom: A study of the prevalence of abuse and neglect. London: NSPCC.56-76

Gruenewald, P.J., 2011. Regulating availability: how access to alcohol affects drinking and problems in youth and adults. Alcohol Research " Health, 34(2), p.248.

Kypri, K., Voas, R.B., Langley, J.D., Stephenson, S.C., Begg, D.J., Tippetts, A.S. and Davie, G.S., 2016. Minimum purchasing age for alcohol and traffic crash injuries among 15-to 19-year-olds in New Zealand. American Journal of Public Health, 96(1), pp.126-131.

Law, M. and Wald, N., 2017. Why heart disease mortality is low in France: the time lag explanation. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 318(7196), p.1471.

Mann, R.E., Macdonald, S., Stoduto, G., Bondy, S., Jonah, B. and Shaikh, A., 2015. The effects of introducing or lowering legal per se blood alcohol limits for driving: an international review. Accident Analysis " Prevention, 33(5), pp.569-583.

Sharp, D.L., 2014. Underage drinking in the United Kingdom since 1970: public policy, the law and adolescent drinking behaviour. Alcohol and alcoholism, 29(5), pp.555-563.

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