Art Therapy

The Inferiority of Female Sex

Gender equality has been a topic of discussion among many scholars over the years. Based on the perception of the society, women have been considered as inferior sex to men, and this assumption attributes to several reasons regarding the disparity in physical nature and virtues. According to chapter two of...

Words: 613

Pages: 3

Comparative Analysis of Proportional and First-Past-The-Post Electoral Systems

The Soundness of Democracy and the Role of Elections The primary metrics for the soundness of democracy in the modern day societies include the ability to host free, fair, and open elections whereby the citizens cast secret votes to choose their preferred leaders to achieve consented leadership through the electoral process....

Words: 1830

Pages: 7

The Importance of Marge Piercy in The Feminist Movement

Marge Piercy's Background and Commitment to Social Transformation Marge Piercy, born in Detroit, Michigan on March 31, 1936, to Robert Piercy and Bert Bernice Piercy – a working-class family like numerous others, hard-hit by the Great Depression. The latter occurred in the 1930s resulting in devastating effects on tax revenue, personal...

Words: 1254

Pages: 5

Analysis of the Social Disorganization and Low Self-Control Theories

Today s society grapples with consistent increase in crime rates. The width of crime has broadened and today both adults and minors have fallen prey to criminal activities. Factors such as technology have been pivotal in facilitating the increase in the occurrence of crime. Multiple theories that offer reasoning and...

Words: 2539

Pages: 10

Food, Being a Necessity for Survival, Has Been Discussed in Many Contexts

Food and Society Food, being a necessity for survival, has been discussed in many contexts. Ranging from the purpose of eating to being defined by what one chooses to eat, the society has redefined the essential meaning of feeding. Writers in different categories have attempted to explain nutrition by discouraging some...

Words: 1525

Pages: 6

George Washington: indispensable man

George Washington's strength as a leader depended on his ability to put the general good ahead of personal gain (his ethical conduct). George Washington view of common good or general good was of at most esteem as he is well known as a character of high morality showing that the regard...

Words: 1777

Pages: 7

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Robert Frost and "The Road Not Taken" Robert Frost, in his poem, "The Road Not Taken," reflects on the choice that he made when which changed his life. Nevertheless, the poem is also a reflection of the path Frost did not take, and this engages the reader into psychological criticism. Psychological...

Words: 920

Pages: 4

The Role of School Identification Card in Closed Campuses

One of the significant policies that encompass many closed campuses in the United States of America is the utilization of school identification cards. Closed schools are systems that do not allow students to leave campus any time of the day from lunch break or going to the hospital without the...

Words: 2398

Pages: 9

Texting While Driving

According to research statistics approximately 1.6 million crashes occur annually as a result of texting while driving (Ameen). Even through there are consequences associated with the offense, they are not enough. Concerning this, in New York one of the consequences is a fine ranging from 50 to about 200 dollars;...

Words: 1283

Pages: 5

The Benefits of Video Games on Cognitive Functions

Video Games and Cognitive Development Video games have gained a lot of popularity with the advancement of technology experienced in the recent past. They are a prevalent form of entertainment among different people and most especially in teenagers and youths. A steady increase in the use of video games has been...

Words: 1180

Pages: 5

This Just to Say Poem

In the poem This Just to say, William Carlos is seen taking time to apologize to his wife, lover, or a friend. From the poem, it seems as if he was passing a good gesture and stuck the message in a place where the intended reader would easily access it....

Words: 278

Pages: 2

The Issue Of Racial Profiling

Racial Profiling Racial profiling is when the law enforcement, the justice system, and groups of people judge certain individuals based on their skin color, skin tone or attitude and they are ever suspecting that they are the ones who have committed crimes. In the US the police officers usually target the...

Words: 1184

Pages: 5

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