enrolment into college

My Experience with Writing Scholastic Assignments

After enrolling in college, I understood that writing scholastic assignments would be my biggest challenge. I've always thought it's a big job, particularly since it's different from the compositions I've been writing before. But as time went on, I became more and more passionate about the activity, particularly after I realized that I could get better at it and that many of the misconceptions I had about it were actually the most common ones.

My Strength and Challenge as a Writer

I have excellent research skills that are founded on a critical analysis of the topic at hand, which is my best strength as a writer. However, the positive aspect also constitutes my major challenge because I realized that with the deep research that I engage in, I have ended up being a diffuse writer. I tend to discuss subjects at great length and on notable occasions, I have been accused of being verbose in my writings. It is challenging because now am left in a dilemma on whether to build on my strength or focus on new skills. However, I am optimistic that I will overcome the challenge with time and perfect my skills of narrowing down a topic and presenting quality content that are within the topic range.

The Emotional Aspect of Writing

I have discovered, however, that in the process of writing, I tend to engage emotionally with the research I am involved. It is a trait that I developed from high school. Often, I get carried away emotionally, and I express myself in a way that relates to how I would converse with someone in person. I believe that the chatty trend further explains why I tend to be diffuse in the writing process because just as I talk, I assume that there are no limits to what I say. I have since focused more on the emotional aspect because it is significantly affecting how I express myself on paper in an academic research process.

The Challenge of Being Vague in Writing

The greatest worry I have since realized is the accusation that my writing often tends to be too vague. While I am aware of the need to be specific in the way I relay information to confine myself within a given structure, I often find myself trying to avoid getting an issue wrong by opting to state it in general terms. It is a worrying trend because I believe that unless I act on this problem and address it early, I may never turn into the writer I dream to be in future. It is even more worrying that Irvin identifies this problem in his article, implying that it is unacceptable to state ideas in a vague manner.

My Potential for Growth as a Writer

Following the reading of Irvine's article, I have realized that I still have so much potential in my writing as I only need to change my mindset about how I perceive the writing exercise. Many of the challenges I face are well described in the myths section, and with time, I will be in a position to shed off the negative thoughts and become a great writer. The outline of the features of a good essay in the article further serves to broaden my understanding of writing. I, therefore, hope that I will advance my skills in the future and improve on my expressive abilities and even develop to become a professional writer.

Work Cited

Irvin, L. Lennie. “What Is ‘Academic’ Writing?” Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data (2010): n. pag. Print.

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