Effective Leadership Demonstration

The idea of leadership dominates contemporary society. An individual's success is closely linked to personal discipline, representing in turn leadership skills. In different organisations, leaders will influence others to achieve favorable results (Judge and Piccolo, 2004)). But it is important to think creatively and objectively in accordance with the various opinions, convictions and emotions. In the case in question the idea of leadership ethics dilemma and necessary remedial steps depicting a quality leader is discussed. The case study explores the leadership dilemma experienced by the newly promoted nurse, Flora Fauna. She had previously worked as a mere floor nurse, but was successfully promoted beating among three other candidates to nurse manager. Owing to her experience with the first meeting with other nurses, she portrayed average interpersonal skills competency that her boss, Ida Caresalot, noted as less effective. In that regard, she was booked for 360 Emotional intelligence coaching to boost her leadership ability. The results indicate that Flora still performed outside the normal range on several emotional intelligence variables and she has to make a difficult decision of whether to continue with the retraining or drop out.Flora is the leader under focus in this case study. After promotion to nurse manager, she has an uphill task to live up to the task. However, from her first meeting that collapsed due to poor interpersonal response to other staff opinion, she was called up for an emotional intelligence training and assessment. While the hospital management believed in Flora_x0092_s potential, her tests results indicated what she least expected. Despite her relentless efforts to meet the required emotional intelligence, her out of range performance upset her. She had a problem reconciling her perception about herself and her actual performance and leadership quality as observed by other people. Besides, when she asked the trainer on her progress the fact was not desirable to her. The leadership dilemma in this case is therefore whether she should accept her inadequacies and proceed with training or ride on her perceived confidence in her line of duty.
Critical review of the situation of Flora explains several factors. It is worth to note that she has the courage and positive attitudes towards other staff. She was able to convene a meeting immediately she was promoted. However, her problems include impatience, domineering and intolerance. She has seemingly believed so much in herself and misinterpreted people_x0092_s perception about her. While she believes in participatory decision making, she evidently prefers predetermined outcomes. For instance, when one staff member suggested a recruitment of another registered nurse, her response was rather spontaneous and subjective. In other words, some of the factors that contribute to Flora_x0092_s problem are; lower level of flexibility, poor interpersonal communication skills, and poor listening.Although Flora had to be taken for retraining, her boss confirmed that she had potential. Besides, considering her actions after promotion, Flora has better leadership prospects. She is a believer in participatory decision, making. For instance, while holding the meeting with other staff, she called upon their contribution on how to improve service delivery in the hospital. Besides, she emphasized participation of everybody. A proactive leadership approach that is relevant in the contemporary society. Flora also shows ability to listen. In leadership, listening is a critical tool that helps in understanding the feelings of other people, their interests, motives and goals. In that respect, listening is a tool of improving self-efficiency when it comes to making objective decisions that represent the welfare of the majority and captures the voice of minority. It can also be noted that emotional self-awareness of Flora is within the normal range, an indication of positive interactive approach. Through self-awareness, a leader is able to build trust among the staff and colleagues. In that respect, it is easy to build relationships horizontally and vertically within the hospital. For instance, Flora_x0092_s acknowledgement of the significance of her boss_x0092_ advise is a clear indication of a reliable leader who can heed advise of superiors for a better future. Leadership in a hospital requires ability to understand the feelings of nurses and patients alike before coming up with a conclusive decision.

All Flora need is to improve on communication skills and flexibility to enhance her leadership ability. In essence, building collaborative and lasting relationships require strong interpersonal skills and a sensitive response in regard to other people_x0092_s emotional status. Outside the workplace, it is important to underscore the role of cross-cultural adaptability to a leader in respect to relations with the immediate community (Rosete & Ciarrochi,2005). Considering the ongoing training of Flora and her positive attitude to do to more in her listening skills go through more coaching in communication and empathy, she stands better chances of developing sustainable and trusting relationship with the community outside the hospital.
Communication has a central role in helping resolve the issues under case study. Interpersonal communication is a tool that opens up a reconciliatory Avenue in settling a problem. In this case, Flora needs to embrace better verbal communication approach. One such strategy would include refraining from showing facial expressions that exhibit open discontent with the opinion of others. Besides, figurative language such as gestures needs to be shunned especially if its expresses negative attitude towards others.
The choice of words is reflective of one_x0092_s perception of the other. As a leader, such derogatory statements, and sentimental expressions does not achieve desirable results. In that regard, communication will help the leader to understand the views of other people express personal opinion and address the key issues of common interest (Zeidner, et al.2004).
Regular training and personal performance appraisal is equally important in determining progress in self-development. In this case, Flora must ensure she improve on her listening skills, interpersonal communication and empathy to address the problems of nurses and patients in a proper manner.
Flora was able to get relief after she noted a significant improvement in her listening skills outcome. Besides, her other emotional tests findings noted remarkable improvement on interpersonal communication. An empathy performance was positive and provided a basis of resolving the concerns of other nurses.
For better governance, Flora showed more interest in applying the learnt concepts in emotional intelligence to work within the expectations of the hospital and meet the needs of patients and nurses.
It is worth to note that leadership requires a blend of technical knowledge, academic achievement and emotional intelligence. Above all, interpersonal communication is instrumental in overcoming managerial obstacles. In essence, the case study is an eye opener in as far as communication strategies are useful in quality and foresighted leadership.ReferencesJudge, T. & Piccolo, R. (2004). Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analytic Test of Their Relative Validity. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 89(5), 755-768. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.89.5.755
Rosete, D. & Ciarrochi, J. (2005). Emotional intelligence and its relationship to workplace performance outcomes of leadership effectiveness. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(5), 388-399. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/01437730510607871
Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., & Roberts, R. (2004). Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: A Critical Review. Applied Psychology, 53(3), 371-399. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1464-0597.2004.00176.x

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