Destination wedding event planning

The Wedding Venue

The wedding will take place in Kenya at Shanzu Beach near Mombasa. Kenya's Indian Ocean coast is home to the city of Mombasa. The location was chosen due to the beach's abundance of beach resorts, bars, hotels, and restaurants where all of the guests will be able to stay and have a good time in the evening following the wedding ceremony. The beach is also surrounded by coconut palm plantations. The bride and groom want the ocean to be the center of their wedding ceremony, so the beach's pure beauty, abundance of water locations, and pleasant vistas will delight them both. Furthermore, the venue is an excellent location for a tropical beach vacation, and it will offer a variety of adventures to the guests who will attend the wedding (Nassenstein, 2016). Thus, the wedding is expected to provide a remarkable experience for all who will be in attendance.

The Design

The wedding ceremony is slated to begin at 10 am with a short prayer service officiated by a priest. During this ceremony, the couple will exchange wedding vows and rings as they pledge to support each other in good and bad times. At 11 am, all the guests will go for refreshing drinks and cocktail for precisely one hour. Just before the wedding ceremony begins, the wedding maids will present a bunch of flowers to the groom. The venue will be decorated in red and white and blue. White color will complement the white gown of the bride. Blue decorations will match the suit of the groom. Red is designed to give the venue eye-catching from afar. Finally, at 5 pm, all the guests will be directed to the reception boat where they will be treated with a floating cocktail for one hour as they enjoy the amazing view of the sun setting. Besides, the guests will be served with plenty of candy bars and delicious flavors. Finally, during the dinner at the boat, the brides will serve every plate with the local delicacy and fruits for the visitors to enjoy the event more and later crown it with drinks (Daniels & Loveless, 2013).


Dueling Pianos entertainment group will entertain the brides. The choice of the Dueling Pianos was due to the large variety of music they offer and the live interactive sessions they have. The guests will be given the opportunity to make requests, have some games, plus toasts and roasts.


Welcome totes will greet the guests as they arrive because it plays a significant role in adding extra personal touch needed for such an event. The welcome kit will consist of decorative boxes with a bottle of water, sweet candy, and few fresh fruits (Daniels & Loveless, 2013).

Marriage Requirements

The brides must fill a marriage notice form at a fee of $6 at the office of the registrar and wait for a legal notice of 21 days in case of any objections to the intended marriage. After the lapse of the 21 days without any opposition, the Registrar of Marriages will give the couple an affidavit to fill and later on complete a marriage certificate form. At the end of this exercise, the date of the marriage is booked. There is also an option of a special license where the registrar can waiver the legal notice within 21 days. However, that comes at the cost of $70 after meeting all the requirements. The marriage can be conducted by the registrar or a licensed clergy at the office or church as well as outside of the office or church respectively (Onyango, 2013).


Daniels, M., & Loveless, C. (2013). Wedding planning and management: Consultancy for diverse clients. Routledge.

Onyango, P. (2013). African customary law: an introduction. African Books Collective.

Nassenstein, N. (2016). Mombasa’s Swahili-Based’Coasti Slang’in a Super-Diverse Space: Languages in Contact on the Beach. African Study Monographs, 37 (3), 117–143

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