Culture and Mental Disorders

Since human beings have different lifestyles, they tend to behave in various manners. As a result, some behaviors are considered as abnormal in some cultures such as the extreme behaviors that are associated with specific psychological disorders. For instance, individuals who are depressed tend to have certain moods that may be used to define abnormal behaviors.

In the modern world, marriage between cousins and relatives is considered to be quite reasonable in some cultures. However, in most countries, such marriages are condemned. For instance, our culture condemns getting married to a cousin or a relative, and in this case, marriage is considered to be an affair between two strangers. Furthermore, my culture believes that marrying a relative may bring forth a lot of curses especially to the next generation, and in most instances, such marriages fail.

There are certain practices in my culture that are considered to be abnormal in other cultures. For instance, individuals suffering from extreme cases of psychosocial disorders are regarded as unusual in our culture due to an irrational fear related to social situations including their actions. On the contrary, in some cultures, these people are considered to be part of the community and are offered with all their needs and requirements. The gap results from the perceptions of various cultures on persons with mental disorders.

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