Characteristics of a Good Manager

A highly motivated and professional individual with a vast experience in management and leadership. Approachable and responds positively to the needs of colleagues and clients. Excellent communication skills, critical thinking ability, great in planning and confident to work both as part of a team and at an individual basis using own ideas and initiative. Fully committed to achieving the goals of a company and inspiring others as well.

Would you Hire Yourself Based on your Profile? If I were a hiring manager, I would hire myself based on my profile. First, the profile indicates that the candidate is aware of the difference between a manager and a leader and the vast experience empowers them to perform both roles.

As a manager with leadership skills, the candidate will not only have individuals working under him, but he will influence them to follow him which means that he will lead by example. The leadership skills in the manager mean that he will be in a position to coach the employees to become top performers who are committed to the vision of the company.

Secondly, the candidate highlights that he is approachable and has excellent communication skills. Excellent communication skills will allow the manager to get his points across to the employees, and be a consistent communicator even in difficult circumstances. A manager who is approachable influences collective decision making and inspires the employees to give their ideas regarding the company operations.

The candidate also mentions that he is ready to work in a team which communicates about his collaboration skills, the ability to build healthy relationships in the workplace, negotiate effectively, value and celebrate diversity.

Finally, critical thinking is a tool that all managers must have as they are required to solve problems logically, draw the right conclusions from a wide range of data and avoid bias when dealing with employees. All the qualities mentioned in the profile highlight the key competencies that a manager should have and this makes this candidate a great choice for the job position.

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