Change Management

The growth of its employees and all its staff is taken into account in a successful business. Employees are the driving force behind the growth of every company because their abilities drive the system equipment and decide the production quality. Leadership has a significant obligation to ensure that staff are well educated and are involved in being more equipped citizens. In this situation, with the use of a device contingency model, the organization has to change its organisation. The emergency model is one in which the company leader decides on the circumstances. The leader has two fall under two categories: a high LPC score or a low LPC score (Fiedler 1994). In the current situation, the situation according to Fiedler’s model is not a favorable one. The leader-member relation status is not in a good position. It is because employees are not engaged in any manner for them to utilize their creativity. The leadership position has not utilized them to the best of their abilities by providing efficient training that will make them more productive individuals. Secondly, the task structure in the organization is a poor one. There are no clearly set objectives or goals of creating better engagement of employees. Furthermore, the inventory software has become outdated and no clear direction of improving the system has been implemented. This situation calls for a leader that will bring relevant changes into shape. The best sort of leader will be a low LPC individual who will be able to improve the current situation. Low LPC leaders are individuals who will create a task oriented system that will ensure proper policies are in place to ensure employees are trained and developed, and systems are continuously up to date.Section BLearning and traditional organizations have several difference based on how the operate, culture and style of leadership. A traditional organization is one that is hierarchical in nature and making of decisions. The top individuals are the ones who make the decisions and determine the direction that the entire establishment is going. They do not involve anyone else as their style of leading the company is autocratic in nature. On the other hand, learning organizations involve other sections of the company in making decisions. Every segment of the company is involved during the process which enables engagement through the entire establishment (Islam et al 2014). Compared to traditional organizations where the only moment other levels of the company are used for the purpose of implementing policies, learning organizations include them when the policies are being created. Traditional organizations have a rigid and fixed method of approach. They tend to depend on their rules and position roles when implementing strategies. They rarely think of out of the box as they use the safe ways of approaching situations e.g. avoiding getting out of the comfort zone. Learning organizations promote creativity and coming up of new ideas. They encourage employees and subordinates to formulate new strategies that will push the organization forward, rather than sticking to the rule book. The Woolner’s five stage model demonstrates that the organization is in the forming organization stage. This is the earliest stage of the model when a company is in the direction to becoming a learning organization. At this point, the company has not yet setup any form of training system with outsiders but rather is learning through trial and error (Woolner 2002). In this case, the organization has realized it has a poor system where employees are not engaged and creativity has not been included. They are still at the point of realizing their mistakes which will lead them to the next stage of Developed Organization, where they use external influence to give their employees training. Senge’s five disciplinesAccording to Senge’s model, every stage of working has to be a learning process (Senge 1994). To utilize the model to become a learning organization, the company will use personal mastery to create a sense of self-awareness. Personal mastery will help the organization to realize the impact of their own behavior and how it affects others. It will help people to have an aspiration to achieve higher and better results. It will also help develop a sense of patience in the system, which will help them to handle the slow but developing process of change in the company. Mental model will make people to identify their style of thinking and beliefs, and to challenge them to be altered so as to take the organization to the next level. For example, the management can use it to change their belief on importance of employee engagement and to see it as an important segment of the company. A shared vision will enable everybody to work together to build a learning organization. Everybody will see a common objective and put in their entire effort into building the establishment. Through team learning, the organization can use it to bring people to share their ideas and experiences to take the company to the next level. It will create an environment where dialogue is encouraged and people will free to state what they feel can make the company grow. Systems thinking can be used to show the organization that everything is connected and every segment of the company is dependent on another. It will make it understand that employee engagement works in conjunction with better provisions of services, on which the company’s success is dependent on. This will help to value workplace learning and training.Section C The best form of transformation that the organization needs in Balogun and Hope-Hailey's Model is the evolution strategy (Hailery & Balogun 2002). In this scenario, the type of change is incremental but the end result is a transformational one. The change is one that is progressive and moves slowly through the ranks, implementing the new system. It will analyze the internal and external state of the company, taking into consideration modifications that are required. The analysis of the environment is also used as a means to educate the organization on what direction the transformation needs to go. The external environment shows how the organizational changes is having an impact on it e.g. market and customer reaction. For the current organization, evolution style of change is the most appropriate for it considering its employee engagement situation and lack of process improvement. The organization has never taken into consideration about the state of it workforce growth. It has never included any form of employee training program that can create a strong foundation which can hasten changes. The modification that will occur will start from the very beginning and are meant to transform the company’s approach and mentality. In the last decade, the organization has experience tremendous growth which means its global spread and the number of employees. In such a situation, the change is transformational as it will have to take time considering the size of the company. Higher departments and management systems will have to adopt the new policies before its slowly moves down in hierarchy.Section DThe action research model enables change to occur in a planned and organized manner, which will enable the organization to grow from a traditional one to a learning organization. The first step within the model that the organization will implement is the entry phase. In this scenario, the issue is identified within the company (REFERENCE). The organization will have to realize that a problem lies in the way it manages things and major modifications will have to occur. It will pinpoint the issues that are lying on its future growth such as training and process management. It will analyze the issues with why the lack of proper management of its processes will be a major setback to achieving its objectives. It will also have to identify the problem with lack of employee engagement and creativity. It will also have to realize that employees do not have the capability of making any decisions or participating in the ideological department of the company. The following stage in the model would be the diagnosis phase. The organization will involve collection of data about the issue it is facing and perform an analysis on them. The data gathered would be based on the cause of the entire problem. What is it that is making them to undergo a poor process management? They will analyze the style of management and how decisions are being made. It will scrutinize the people involved in implementing policies in the company. For example, since the style of management is hierarchical, it will be examined and seen whether it is positive and negative. The organization will do an examination to see how it affects the space of individuals to become creative and participate in the creation of ideologies and company practices. Employees would also be interviewed so that their perspective of what needs to be done can be taken into consideration. The next stage to be implemented would the intervention phase. In this case, it would implement new systems and practice that would create the change from a traditional organization to a learning one. It would apply new policies that would remove the causes to the issues that it realized during analysis. For example, employees would be initiated into the practice and would be given an opportunity to have an impact on the process. Previous practices will be eliminated step by step although not instantaneously, as the change would be step by step. The final stage would be the evaluation phase. The new policies and modifications that have occurred would be studied to see the effects that they have borne. The impact of the new system would be collected so that they can be analyzed to see if any improvements are required or it was a successful endeavor.Section EInnovative StrategiesThe establishment would make great use of innovative strategies which would create an effective transition to a learning organization. The two strategies would be reduction of bureaucracy and employee engagement.Reduction of BureaucracyBureaucracy slows down the growth of a company as it inhibits and slows down the growth of innovation. According to research, employees have stated that bureaucracy acts as an impediment to their delivery of value in an organization (Hamel & Zanini, 2017). In this organization, if bureaucracy was to be reduced employees would be more free to make decisions and to employ their creativity. It would create a space for many ideas to be shared to the management and the innovative process would be increased. The management would utilize this strategy to remove their top-down approach of decision making in the company. A bureaucratic management makes fixed policies that cannot be challenged by anyone or offered any opinions from subordinates. For them to transition to a learning organization, the management will have to change the hierarchical system to a transformational leadership that includes all segments of the organization.Employee EngagementEmployee are the bane of every working process in the company. If they are engaged, they will be motivated to give in their best into their respective fields. The organization does not provide any motivation to workers to experiment new ideas or innovate new solutions. It means that they lack any willing effort to work much harder than they currently are. They lack any form of incentive for going an extra mile for the company. For an employee to put in their all, they need to have an emotional attachment with an organization which occurs through engagement (Zenger & Folkman). When they are motivated and encouraged, they will have the desire to be part of a continuous learning process. When individuals feel that their experience and expertise is requested in a workplace, they feel that their presence is important. It will push them to have a desire to learn more through training and workshops which will be part of the effort of making a learning organization. A learning organization needs a workforce that is motivated enough to keep up with its incessantly growing system. Section FKotter’s ModelKotter’s 8 step model could play a huge position in creating the organization’s change from a traditional leadership. One step would be by creating a sense of urgency. In this phase, the organization would emphasize on the consequences that the current situation could have on the company’s future (Kotter, 1996). In the current situation, the organization has to demonstrate to the rest of the management and key influences how the current predicament would lead to the company ending up receding rather than preceding. Dissatisfaction of employees to work in an environment that hardly shows their importance, would lead to a high turnover rate. The organization would lose a lot of potential workers to competitors who would make the best of use of them. Furthermore, lack of engagement would lead to reduced motivation and poor results from the employees. They will develop apathy to the process and lose the desire to put in any effort. The organization should also make it known that the current corporate world needs companies that have a workforce that keeps up skill-wise with the fast growing market. New knowledge and strategies continue to develop every single day and failure to include training programs, the organization will falter behind the rest. It will have to influence discussion within its ranks and explain how the future problems can be avoided e.g. providing training programs for employees and increase more effort in terms of their motivation.Another step in Kotter’s model would be the creation of a strong coalition. The organization would look for individuals that have the best capability of pushing new reforms and assembling them together. The people would be those that hold powerful segments in the organization making them have the capability of having an impact. They will also represent different departments and areas in the company rather than specific segments. This phase of Kotter’s model requires individuals that would be utterly committed and dedicated to the cause. It would enable them to stick to the agreements and not falter during the process. The third step would be the removal obstacles. In this case, the organization has already come up with a set of plans and a team to push things in a better direction. However, it needs to examine whether any form of negative opposition stands in its way. For example, a team of managers could be against the decisions that the organizations wants to implement in order to create transformation. In this case, it should guide the doubting individuals to understand the importance of the actions and how it would beneficial to everyone. The fourth step would be to build on the change. After every action has prospered or produced satisfactory results, the organization should analyze the process. It should examine it and deduce what improvements can be made. If there were several areas with mistakes or were not implemented efficiently, it would be the perfect phase to find the right fix.Section GFive Pillars of Sustainable changeOne of the five pillars of sustainability change is leadership. Good leadership and management would ensure that the principles used to build a learning organization are maintained. It would give policies that motivate the employees to practice the culture continuously and abiding to it. A strong leadership would push the organization to continue to transform and develop a strong learning environment culture. Strategy plays an important role in sustainable change. An organization without strategy has no plans by which it will continue to evolve as a learning organization. It will also not be able to stimulate creativity within the employees, which is a requirement for such a kind of company. Through efficient strategies, the organization will have created ways of improving the system utilized in order to stay ahead in its market. Culture is a significant segment in the sustainability change process. Culture is the custom, in which the organization and employees have learnt to operate. Employees work according to the culture developed in the organization that they work. A learning culture means the people in the system continue to gather new knowledge and skills without any form of direction from the management. A structure determines how the organization will work to maintain the learning culture. It establishes the rules and regulation which will determine how the systems will work. A strong structure will ensure that the learning environment remains a consistent part of the company. The final part, which is the system, is what ensures how everything works together to make the environment works. It interconnects all the various actions, making all the different efforts and actions of the company’s segments to make a learning organization.Work CitedFiedler, Fred Edward. Leadership Experience And Leadership Performance. [Alexandria, Va.]: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1994. Print.Hailey, Hope and Balogun. Change Kaleidoscope. 2002. PrintHamel, Gary., Zanini, Michele. "What We Learned About Bureaucracy From 7,000 HBR Readers." Harvard Business Review. 2018. Web. 30 Jan. 2018.Islam, Talat et al. "Organizational Learning Culture And Customer Satisfaction." The Learning Organization 21.6 (2014): 392-404. Web.Kotter, John P. (1996). Leading Change. Harvard Business School Press. Senge, Peter M. The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies And Tools For Building A Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday, 1994. Print.

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