Business Process Management Mentoring and Shadowing

Mentoring in many respects

has been described as a long-term partnership, supporting the maximum potential growth and benefiting all partners, mentors, mentees and organisation, through an integral principle of guiding, offering guidance, encouragement and career planning. Although mentors are a part of the BPM team, each team member cannot, however, be a mentor. As a mentor takes responsibility, directs, supports, and often acts as a role model, he needs a senior individual to develop awareness, self-confidence and ability in a mentee that is more than usual based on experience, understanding, and trust. However, for the institutionalization of the new process the mentees can be the ones who are on a ‘fast track’ career program, staff looking for a focused career path, managers who have achieved a career plateau and looking for further growth, staff who are looking for direction change, employees returning after a break, staff with a willingness to improve as well as learn new skills, and the staff or the managers working through a difficult issues (Michael, 2008).

In a mentor and mentee relationship program work shadowing

is a type of activity that allows the mentee to observe a senior leader closely while in action and provide an opportunity to discuss the approach they used afterward, the situational challenges they face, the decisions they made, and other factors. A mentor and mentee can use a method of shadowing in tracking and assessing the ongoing changes within the company by setting up objectives and achieving them, as objectives have been a useful tool in the evaluation of a success rate of a relationship and identifying its outcomes in a BPM project (Handbook for Mentors and Mentees, 2016).


  • Handbook for Mentors and Mentees. (2016). Future Mentoring Programme. The University of Sheffield. Retrieved on April 30, 2017

  • Michael, A. (2008). Monitoring and Coaching. CIMA, 50. London: The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Retrieved on April 30, 2017

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