Budget plan paper

University City, State Course Tutor


budget strategy

Set a budget for the charity endeavor.

Number of Units / Hours

Level 1 Totals in WBS Cost / Unit / Hour % of Total Activities for Charity Event

Renting an outdoor field (for clubs or schools)

2 £75 £150 £150


Temporary Event License Application Alcoholic beverages should be consumed with caution. 1 £21 £21 £21 1. Sports Activity £1,162 43%

Bubble football ten £40 £395

15th Relay Race £10 £150

Egg&Spoon 15 £15 £225

Motions 18 £5 £90

Volleyball 17 £6 £102

Obstacle course 20 £100

2. Food event £970 36%

Alcohol Drinks 50 £15 £750

Food Stands 10 £10 £100

Bear Pong 10 £12 £120

Reserves (15% of total Estimates) £377.00 14%

Total Cost of the Event Estimate £2,680

Cost -Baseline

charity even

Cost Baseline Created June 10, 2017

WBS Items 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Totals Renting an outside field (Clubs/schools) £25 £25 £25 £25 £25 £25 £150 1. Sports Activity Bubble football £395 £395 Relay Race 75 75 £150 Egg & Spoon £225 £225 Motions £90 30 30 30 £180 Mini Volleyball Obstacle course £200 £200 2. Food event Alcohol Drinks £750 £750 Food Stands £100 £100 Bear Pong £120 £120 3. Application for Licence Temporary Events Notice for drinking alcohol £21 £21 Reserves (15% of total Estimates) £62 £62 £62 £62 £62 £62 £372 £0 Total Cost of the Event Estimate £1,988 £87 £117 £192 £192 £87 £2,663


Arizon, C., (2013). Project Management Methodology & Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Successful Projects. Retrieved from http://www.chandleraz.gov/Content/PM000PMMethodologyGDE.pdf

Dorothy, M. & Draft, R. (2010). Understanding Management. Iowa; Cengage Learning

Gransberg, D., Popescu, C and Ryan, R., (2006). Construction Equipment Management for Engineers,Estimators and Owners. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

McNatty, D., (2012). Calculating Earned Value and Estimate to Complete in Primavera P6. Retrieved from http://www.drmcnatty.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/October-2012-Webinar-Calculating-Earned-Value-and-Estimate-to-Complete-in-P6.pdf

NASA., (2012). NASA'S CHALLENGES TO MEETING COST, SCHEDULE, AND PERFORMANCE GOALS. Retrieved from http://oig.nasa.gov/audits/reports/FY12/IG-12-021.pdf

Schwalbe, K., (2010). Information Technology Project Management, Revised. Boston: Cengage Learning.

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