Brainstorming group questiones

Who were the students in your brainstorming group?

Date and time of brainstorming session:

What did you bring to discuss with the group at this session? What feedback did you receive?

I shared a clip from YouTube (CNN) showing two contradicting footage on Michael Brown, a victim of police shooting. My colleagues stated that the video was an excellent portrayal of stereotypical reporting by the police and the media.


What did everyone else in the group contribute?

The rest of the members contributed to different scenarios that stereotypes against minority groups is witnessed including here in Australia and other parts of the world. Stereotypes in other areas such as gender were discussed.

What concepts or theories (i.e. essentialism, non-essentialism etc.) from the unit could be linked to the material that was discussed in the group? Provide a brief explanation of how you would use these concepts/theories in relation to the material you shared with the group. 

The concept for this meeting was stereotyping. The video shared with the group shows a stereotypical version of a big Black man who uses his power to get rob a store. The clip uses this narrative as a justification as to why the man was later gunned down by the police.

Brainstorming Group Session: 2



Who were the students in your brainstorming group?

Date and time of brainstorming session:

What did you bring to discuss with the group at this session? What feedback did you receive?

On this session, I brought a text from the New York Times. My group mates indicated that the article was appropriate and was in line with the video I had presented during the first brainstorming session.


What did everyone else in the group contribute?

Group members showed their articles as well. Members further picked subject matters from their material that had the same subject matter, and we discussed them in detail.  Members advised each other on the appropriateness type of material and topic of choice they had chosen.

What concepts or theories (i.e. essentialism, non-essentialism etc.) from the unit could be linked to the material that was discussed in the group? Provide a brief explanation of how you would use these concepts/theories in relation to the text you shared with the group. 

During this session we discussed essentialism. The article would be helpful in discussing how different set of characteristics become necessary to identify individuals from certain groups. The article is detailed on negative characteristics of a Black man who was shot dead by an officer. The article is almost saying that it was expected that the victim would be shot because of his environment.

Brainstorming Group Session: 3



Who were the students in your brainstorming group?

Date and time of brainstorming session:

What did you bring to discuss with the group at this session? What feedback did you receive?

On this last meeting, I shared a video from YouTube of Bill O‘Reilly discussing the killing of a young man by an officer with Allen West. The members agreed that the video was a perfect continuation for the subject matter of the previous two materials.


What did everyone else in the group contribute?

As in other sessions, the members shared their materials. We identified the subject matter of the materials and compared them against one another. Members finally advised one another on the best materials to use for the last media analysis assignment from all the materials from the first session.

What concepts or theories (i.e. essentialism, non-essentialism etc.) from the unit could be linked to the material that was discussed in the group? Provide a brief explanation of how you would use these concepts/theories in relation to the text you shared with the group. 

During this session, we discussed representation and othering. While the two concepts may seem similar, the former is often utilised when there is an outside power in play such as the government. Using the video I provided, othering can be seen through segregation of the Black man being discussed because of the type of family he comes from and his suspension from school. Further, representation can be utilised to show how information shared by the police department can be used against the Black man and paint him in a bad light.

Words : 454


CNN. (2017, March 12). New video in Michael Brown case. [Video File]Retrieved from

Eligon, J. (2014). Michael Brown Spent Last Weeks Grappling With Problems and Promise. Retrieved from

MichaelSavage4Prez. (2013, Sep. 13). Bill O'Reilly Interviews Allen West. [Video File]. Retrieved from

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