Art of Islam

Islamic Art: A Overview

Islamic art can be characterized as artistic expression that draws from the Islamic doctrine advanced by Mohammad (PBUH), which emerged in the seventh century A.D. It consists of the visual aesthetic fervor of the Muslim populace of people who live in various geographical regions of the world. However, it does contain many of the same aspects, such as style and others, and was created using the fundamentals of both design and art.

Islamic Architecture and Calligraphy

Islamic architecture, in particular, and calligraphy connote enormous and exquisite tombs, mosques, and paintings. Islamic art first appeared in Central Asia and spread throughout the world. The building art reached its zenith during the Ottoman Empire as they adorned intricacies, detailed with sacred verses of Quran to boost divine majestic look of their buildings. Another dynamic aspect of Islamic art is calligraphy, the stylized writing of Arabic alphabets even engraved on the walls of these grand buildings. One of the fascinating aspects of this art is its socio-political representation and the time-to-time critique of the ideologies that might or might not was intended to affect the Islamic ideology. Many contemporary Islamic artists contributed some of the essential elements that condemned colonialism and modernism and which later on expedited vehemence and intense artistic fervour.

The Influence of Arab Civilization

Arab civilization had a huge impact on art and culture of Islamic art which is till now most magnificent and monumental seen in different parts of the world. Islamic art is considered one of the most influential art practices in the world, because of the robust marvel and architectural techniques used in buildings. Islamic art is not confined to mammoth buildings but also encompasses different art forms like painting, pottery, and ceramics etc. securing the better place regarding world art practice.

Evolution and Change in Islamic Art

Islamic art, like other art forms of the world, developed through consistent practices even influenced by other neighboring cultures to illustrate the magnificence and grandeur offered by the then fast spreading ideology of Islam. Though the art depicts simplistic artistic fervor but, it was highly appreciated within the domain of the world art. It does not include only the religious art but encompasses other art forms that are the direct reflections of the diverse Islamic societies of the world. However, the art practice itself witnessed bold changes due to the influence of emerging ideologies of the world including colonialism. Such changes include the direct reactions to the on-going socio-political changes of the world and its response of the Islamic artists.

The History and Significance of Islamic Art

The history of Islamic art is very interesting. Islamic art is more prominent in architecture where the use of dome in buildings came into being and another structure called minarets, which became the epitome of Islamic art ridden buildings. Calligraphy became the symbol of this art form. Islamic art penetrates different cultures of the world from time to time and got modified according to the indigenous art traditions of the culture. For instance, Umayyad dynasty (661-750) is well known for its mystical Islamic art practices that have contributed splendidly to its rich art culture. The Dome of the Rock is one of the best examples of the Islamic art and architecture that came into being in 691 CE. The site is also known as the temple place of Herod the Great and later the Roman temple of upiter Capitolinus. The Dome of the Rock is located in present Palestine. The site has witnessed many violent wars and finally it came under direct control of the Islamic rulers. Most of the Islamic scholars argue that the dome originally represents the sacred place of King Solomon, one of the early connections of the Islamic idea of monotheism. Jerusalem witnessed huge resistance that gave rise to the huge violence among the then kingdoms and dynasties.

Islamic Art: Reflecting a Changing World

Islamic art practice is seen with the secular perspective not in the religious tone neither it is associated with any particular group who endorsed it rather it emerged through different social realms and developed into well practiced art form. It was categorized to facilitate historians with the artifacts produced during 7th century A.D by the Arabs. And Islamic art has traversed through different geographical boundaries to make its own niche. Islam preaches against materialism and that is what is the basic tenets of individualism and capitalism. Colonialism and capitalism gave rise to materialism and affected the Caliphate philosophy. Islamic art quite beautifully used to depict the changing nuances of the world ideology. For instance, illustration of Iblis, Satan, by the 13th century Islamic scholars is considered one of the authentic contributions to satanic knowledge and freemasons in Kitab-ul-bulhan. The illustration below depicts the image of Satan and is considered as the basic cause of world violence and fitna.

The Role of Painting in Islamic Art

Painting, which is often seen as unIslamic, actually makes Islamic art more rich and colorful. The elaborate mural paintings and miniature paintings mark the representation of Islamic art form. The mosaic paintings adorn the walls of these huge elaborate structures. Colors used in these paintings are natural colors with ornamental plants. These paintings are thematic and poetic in nature, depicting pious love. Even famous rulers along with their courtesans are painted on miniature paintings and give the glimpse of their majestic and royal life. Patrons of Miniature paintings were the great Mughals who had employed court painters to depict significant events of their lives.

The Influence of Ideologies on Islamic Art

However, the growing intolerance towards new ideologies limited the choice of freedom enjoyed by most people who belonged to Islam. For instance, Islamic leaders in the late Eighteenth century witnessed drastic changes towards the school of thoughts which still exist. For example, Sunnis' and Shias' is still fight with each other that grabbed the attention of many renowned artists. Although both the sects claim to belong to the traditional Islamic thought, there is a lot of difference in the implication of their policies and philosophies. The bitterness has given rise to many wars and bloodshed that was captured through art practices.

Islamic Art: A Reflection of the Changing World

Art of Islam is very vast. It is not only associated with the beautiful illustrations of the religious monuments but, it also includes the change witnessed by the Islamic civilization throughout the world. Though most of the contemporary art works depict the ill-effects of colonialism, imperialism, and modernism etc. the art of Islam is much more concerned with the changing societies and its decline in the world.

Works Cited

Bloom, Sheila and Jonathan, eds., Rivers of Paradise: Water in Islamic Art and Culture, Yale University Press, 2009. p. 23-29

Canby, Sheila R. (ed). Shah Abbas; The Remaking of Iran, 2009, British Museum Press, p. 22

Ettinghausen, Richard; Grabar, Oleg; Jenkins-Madina, Marilyn (2003). Islamic Art and Architecture 650–1250 (2nd ed.). Yale University Press. p. 12-17

Jones, Dalu & Michell, George, (eds); The Arts of Islam, Arts Council of Great Britain, 1976. p. 9-13

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