Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. has put a lot of effort into understanding customer preferences. Tim is making changes at Apple to make sure that the company produces goods that can satisfy customers' technological needs (Lashinsky, 2012). Customers will therefore be able to purchase high-quality Apple products. The technical and engineering department, which is responsible for the organization's product development, will be impacted by this shift. The modification will have the effect of raising product quality and ensuring that clients continue to be pleased with the services provided.

Coca Cola Company

Coca Cola Company is undergoing the leadership change to ensure that other departments of product development and marketing function in an effective manner (Press Center 2013). This change will affect the departmental heads in the company. As such, customers will get value for their money as they receive the products from the company. The impact of this change is to improve the product and financial performance output of the company.


Starbucks is a firm operating in the coffee industry. As such, the company has undergone the functional structure as its major change to improve the experience of the customers (Meyer, 2016). In this, Starbucks has embarked on improving its communication with customers to ensure that they are able to receive current and reliable data on product development. This includes issues of product quality, price, and accessibility in different locations. The functional structure also helps customers in providing feedback to the firm in relation to the nature of business conduct. The human resource department, sales, and marketing departments are the ones experiencing this change. The impact of this change is to keep the loyal customers and attract new ones for longer sustainability of the business.


Lashinsky, A. (2012). How Tim Cook is changing Apple. Retrieved from:

Meyer, P. (2016). Starbucks coffee company’s organizational structure. Retrieved from:

Starbucks’s Organizational Structure & Its Characteristics

Press Center. (2013). The Coca-Cola company announces coca-cola Americas management and

organizational changes. Retrieved from:

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