Angelina Jolie Essay

Angelina Jolie's Early Life

Angelina Jolie is a well-known American actress, humanitarian, and filmmaker. Her work has earned her many awards and accolades. She has won an Academy Award, three Golden Globes, and has consistently been ranked among the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood. Learn about Jolie's early years and her relationship with Brad Pitt.

Angelina Jolie's Early Life

In addition to her acting career, Angelina Jolie is also a director. She made her directorial debut in Land of Blood and Honey (2006), a romantic drama set during the Bosnian war. Jolie starred as Mariane Pearl, the pregnant wife of Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl. This film was a major breakthrough for Jolie, and she was nominated for two Oscars for her role.

Jolie was born in Los Angeles, California, to Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. She has an older brother named James Haven, and is also the niece of James Haven and Chip Taylor. Jolie began acting at a young age, and she attended the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute in New York City. She then went on to study acting at New York University. Jolie was bullied in school, and began acting at a young age.

After winning the Academy Award for "Gia,"

Jolie went on to star in a series of action movies. In 2000, she played the girlfriend of a carjacker in "Gone in Sixty Seconds" (a film about Gia Carangi). In the following year, she played Lara Croft, a role that earned her the title "Tomb Raider." Jolie has since branched out into directing, writing, and producing her own movies.

Her Relationship with Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were married in 2008. The wedding was held at the Chateau Miraval in France. Jolie wore a Versace veil. The children of the couple were involved in the ceremony, drawing on the veil. The couple split up two years later. Jolie wrote about the experience in an op-ed in the New York Times.

In September 2016, Jolie filed for divorce. This followed reports that Pitt was abusing the children. Pitt was cleared of allegations of child abuse. However, Jolie said that Pitt had physically abused her. She also claimed that Pitt had punched the ceiling of their private plane.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie first met on the set of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." They had a chemistry onscreen and off. They later separated and have since been arguing over custody of their five children. While their on-screen chemistry was undeniable, there were many rumors about Jolie and Pitt's relationship. The two are currently seeking legal advice for their split.

Her Roles in Action Movies

Angelina Jolie is one of Hollywood's biggest stars, and has carved out a niche for herself by taking on a variety of roles, from dramatic to action-packed. A mother of six children with Brad Pitt, she is also an activist and a noted humanitarian. She also directs many of her own films. Here's a look at the most notable roles Jolie has played.

Angelina Jolie's first big role was as a child in Tomb Raider: Origins (2001), followed by the sequel Life or Something Like It (2001). In a few years, Jolie played Lara Croft again in Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life. However, the film wasn't a box office hit.

In addition to her roles in Tomb Raider and Salt, Jolie has also starred in a variety of action films. Her most recent appearance in "Gone in 60 Seconds" is as a supporting character. The film also features Nicolas Cage and an ensemble cast that includes Delroy Lindo, Timothy Olyphant, Giovanni Ribisi, and Christopher Eccleston.

Her Humanitarian Work

Angelina Jolie has a long history of humanitarian work. She and Brad Pitt have worked to support children and families in need through several different organizations. In 2003, Jolie visited an SOS Village in Amman, Jordan, to bring joy to the children living there. She made a generous donation to the community of children in the village. SOS Children's Villages is dedicated to raising orphaned children around the world and Jolie has helped fund their work with her Jolie-Pitt Foundation.

Angelina Jolie has also been an ambassador for the UNHCR, which assists people displaced by war and conflict. During her travels, Jolie has visited refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. She has also visited the country of Haiti as part of her humanitarian work.

In addition to working with UNHCR, Jolie has also donated millions of dollars to charities. She founded the National Centre for Refugee and Immigrant Children, which provides free legal aid for children seeking asylum. She also established the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which has made significant donations worldwide. She is also the co-chair of the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, a group that focuses on funding educational programs for children in war-torn areas.

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