Analysis of the Two Chili Pepper Speeches

The Two Chili Pepper Speeches

The two chili pepper speeches namely the "needs improvement speech" and the "final version speech" seek to give some insight on chili peppers. It is worth noting that even though the two presentations convey the same message, their modes of delivery sharply contrast one another. In light of the foregoing, this paper will analyze the various aspects of the two presentations and conclude by stipulating which of the two was more professional.

The Needs Improvement Speech

In the first video, the needs improvement speech, numerous flaws were evident. The first thing that was could out rightly be seen was the speaker's appearance. In this video, the presenter was shabbily dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, and an unbuttoned shirt. This was not an appropriate dress code for the presentation, and the audience may have got the impression that he was not serious.

The speaker also failed to capture the audience attention with his general body language and demeanor that showed that he either did not understand what he was saying or was nervous. Right from the onset, the introduction that the presenter chose was not captivating. It is worth noting that the speaker constantly stuttered and referred to his cue cards and reading word for word which meant that he had not internalized what he was presenting on. This action inadvertently made the speaker fail to maintain eye contact with his audience. Furthermore, the speaker was not audible enough and also did not use tone variation which ended up making his presentation boring.

The content in the first video seems to have been lacking depth which caused the presentation to take less than three minutes. It is also evident the presenter was uncertain of some of his terminologies such as capsicum and capsaicin which may have cast doubt about the validity of the information he was presenting on. Moreover, the speaker use of visual aid, that is, through his power point presentation and the chili pepper that he brought were poor since they did not enhance the presentation.

The Final Version Speech

The second video, the final version speech, was a significant improvement when compared to the first presentation. This is primarily because of the manner in which the speaker presented his work. The second speaker was neatly dressed save for the fact that he did not have a belt on his trousers. The introduction to this presentation was organized and very captivating, and this may have sparked some interest among the audience. The speaker was very audible and had also mastered the art of tonal variation which complimented his presentation. Furthermore, the speaker made good use of his nonverbal cues such as his hands and eye contact to ensure that his audience was attentive.

It was also clear that the presenter had effectively conceptualized his content which enabled him to discuss the topic with relative ease. The presenter also refrained from referring to his cue cards, and this gave the audience the confidence that he knew what he was presenting on. The manner in which the speaker articulated himself and cited some of the sources he utilized enhanced the credibility of his presentation. The power point presentation served its intended purpose since it assisted the audience to comprehend the subject much better.


In conclusion, it is evident that the first presenter failed to conform to some of the critical aspects of communication. This deficiency jeopardized the quality of information that the speaker was conveying to his audience. The second presenter on the other hand had truly mastered the art of good communication. This inference can be deduced from his effective use of visual aid as well as verbal and nonverbal cues. It would, therefore, be correct to assert that the effective use of the various aspects of communication out rightly made the second speaker come off as more professional than the first one.

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