Analysis of the business prospects of Duque papetier gros

Examining the business prospects of any market is considered vital and highly pragmatic for the effective functioning of an organization. For a company such as Duque Papetiers Gros, it is crucial for them to understand the potential risks and situation of expanding their operations to other countries. Duque is a small organization owned by Donald Duque which specializes in the distribution of stationery products in France. The company would like to expand its businesses in countries such as Switzerland and Germany. A proper market analysis will be carried out in this paper will enable the firm to determine a suitable market.

2. Analysis of Issues for Duque Papetiers Gros

2.1. An overview of The Whole Sale Stationers Market in Germany.

In Germany, the demand for stationery items is high. Revenue generated from the products is more than 15 Billion Euros in a year. A notable growth of 3.5% was noted in 2015 as the total revenue of the stationery industry; this was as a result of the increase in consumer demand that grew by 2.5% (Schmidt, 2016). The growth was also due to an increase in consumer demand abroad. The per capita spending of stationery products in Germany every year is 182 Euros. Germans spend 35 euros annually on writing and stationery products taking the second place in the European union when it comes to the expenditure of stationery products.

Figure 1: Production of selective stationery items in 2014

(Source: MGCC Perspectives, 2016)

The figure above represents stationery items production in 2014. It can be noted that the production of these items was approximately 510 Million Euros. In terms of the net revenue, at least 50% of the wholesalers have a minimum of 500,000 euros justifying their success. Almost all the wholesalers sell their items directly to consumers others utilize business to business channels. Germany is the most significant exporter in the European union in terms of stationery products, more than 19.5% of sales were accounted for in 2017 (Schmidt, 2016).

Figure 2: Export rate of stationery items in 2014

(Source: MGCC Perspectives, 2016)

The figure above represents the export rate of stationery items in Germany all over the world. The value of exported stationery items in 676 million Euros. The export and production rates suggest that the expansion of the business to Germany will be suitable for the organization.

2.2 Annual Spending on Writing/Drawing Materials per Capita

Figure 3: Yearly costs on stationery items of 7 countries

(Source: MGCC Perspectives, 2016)

(Appendix for table)

Since Duque Papetiers Gros is planning to expand its operations to a suitable European Country, it is necessary for it to analyze every potential market. The graph above represents the annual expenditure on stationery items on 7 European union markets. In Switzerland, Germany and Austria per capita spending on writing and drawing products was over 35 Euros. The expense was under 10 Euros in Spain and Slovakia. The per capita spending in France was 28.3 Euros.  The company should consider expanding to countries such as Germany, Switzerland and Austria since individual spending in these countries is above 35 Euros (Sungau, 2015).

 Per capita spending is among the various indicators of a thriving industry in a country. The expenditure on drawing and writing items is among the critical elements which determine the profitability and viability of the wholesale stationery business. Donald Duque can also use per capita spending to determine which EU markets it should first enter.  The total expense on customers associated with writing and drawing materials amounts to 35.2 Euros (Kau, 2014); this conclusion is led by countries such as Denmark, Belgium, Bulgaria and Austria. Germany took the second position while France was the fourth.

2.3 Analysis of Duque’s last three financial years of sales data (2015-2017)

Table 1: Duque’s annual sales for 3 consecutive years

(Source: Created by the learner)

(Table calculations in appendix)

After examining the data in the table, it can be deduced that in 2017, lower results were recorded than the previous year. An increase in sales was however observed.

B. The pie chart represents annual sales for Duque Papetier Gros that were made between 2016 and 2017. In the sales of 2016, it can be observed that witnessed high sales in shredders and drawing/writing materials. From the charts, it can also be deduced that the sales of drawing/writing materials increased in 2017.

Figure: 2016 sales of Duque

(Source: Created by the learner)

Figure: 2017 sales of Duque

(Source: Created by the learner)





Correlation Co-efficient



Table 2: Annual sales Correlation Coefficient

(Source: Created by the learner)

Figure 4: Duque’s financial sales represented through scatter diagram

(Source: Created by the learner)



R=√0.53= 0.728≈0.73 Strong positive correlation



R=√0.53=0.73 Strong positive correlation

The scatter diagram above represents Duque Papetiers Gros’ annual sales for three consecutive financial years.  In the above diagram, R² indicates that there is a relation between two variables.  When R tends nearer to 0 the values’ appropriateness and its prediction is considered fragile. When the value of R tends closer to 1, the prediction and the appropriateness of the value are considered to be strong. R² existences originates amid 0 and 1. The financial sales of the company in the year 2015-2016 generates the value of 0.9 implying that the prediction is strong, and the value is relevant. 2016-2017 financial sales generate the value of 0.85 which also indicates the strength and the appropriateness of the value. The sales of 2015-2017 financial years generate R² value as 0.53 implying that the existences of the relation between the two variables is weak.

D. The above linear progression diagram indicates the potential increase in the growth of the firm in the coming years.

Forecast for 2018                                                                  Forecast for 2019

Y= (6,500×2018)-12,929,000                                                 Y= (6,500×2019)-12,929,000

Y=13,117,000-12,929,000                                                      Y=13,123,500-12,929,000

Y=£188,000                                                                                        Y=£194,500

2.4 Feasibility of Expanding to Germany & International Standards





More sales


Regulatory problems


Bigger individual spending (over €35)


Cut-throat competition


Raising brand awareness


Problems with business registration


Selling online


Investment to expand


Learning about the new market


Learning new language


New products for a new audience


Adapting to new business culture


Total Pros


Total Cons


Average Pros


Average Cons


Table 3: Advantages and Disadvantages that Duque Paper tiers Gros can incur

(Source: Created by the learner)

B. Expanding to other European markets will cause Duque Papetiers Gros to be the subject of a lot of regulations a standard. Critical standards that the organization is required to comply with include the ISO regulations. Compliance to international standards ensures that the business experiences less obstacles while initiating its products and services while during the implementation of a new strategy in its organizational structure.  Some of the ISO standards include

ISO/IEC 17901:2015-specifies the method for determining scanning productivity through measuring scan to network folder speed and scanning speed.  It includes test procedure, test setup procedure, test files and the reporting requirements for scanning productivity measurements

ISO 12641-1: 2016- defines the colorimetric values and layout of targets to be used in the calibration of an input scanner/ photographic product combination. One target is defined for color photographic paper and the other for positive color transparency

ISO 9707:2008- offers guidance on the keeping of national statistics to offer standardized data on various aspects of distribution and production of electronic, printed and micro publications. It also provides recommendations on the classification of subjects

ISO 21550:2004- The standard specifies methods for measuring and reporting the different range of electronic scanners for continuous tone photographic media.  It is applicable to scanners for transmissive and reflective media

2.5 Costs of a New Building


 Since interest is applied at the start of every year the monthly cost for loan repayment will be


200,000*17.45-12X (164.49) =0



€1,768.09=X ≈€1,769

£1,769*12*30=£636,840 repayment in 30 years

Duration for loan repayment = 30 years (Time, t)

Initial loan amount = €200,000 (Principle, P)

Cost to be paid every month= €1767.99

B.  When the interest is applied at the beginning the repayment cost will change as follows

The formula to be used for calculation is:

P = R*[(1-(1+r)^-n)/i]


The size of the payment is (R), which is to be identified

The principle loan amount is €200,000 (P)

The interest rate is 10% (r)

Total number of days is 360 (n)

Interest every year will be  1 + [0.1/12 ]12(i) = 0.1047

Hence, R’s

value is found to be €1868

APR = - 1

APR = - 1

APR= (1+0.0083333)12-1

APR= (1.0083333)12-1



APR=0.1047= 10.47%


200,000 *   -   12 * X *    =   0

200,000 *   -   12 * X *    =   0

200,000 *   -   12 * X *    =   0

200,000 * -   12 * X *    =   0

200,000 * -   12 * X *    =   0

3,966,000-   12 * X *    =   0

3,966,000-   12 * X *   =   0

3,966,000-    2,151.408* X = 0

3,966,000 = 2,151.408* X  

X=€ 1,843.443921≈€1,843

1,843.443921 *12 *30= € 663,639.8116 repayment in 30 years


2.6 Mean Value of Orders

SE (standard error) =

SE (standard error) ===6.08≈6

Acceptance region:

Here, the value of the mean hypotheses and the magnitude order is same, which is €240.

For generating sample mean 50 accounts were chosen at random and the mean was found to be €230, mainly indicating that the order of the magnitude cannot be considered as €240.

H0µ = €240

For the 50 accounts that were chosen at random the standard deviation was found to be €43 and the case is considered to be reasonable.

The significance level is assumed to be 5% according to the problem, which implies that the use of standard deviation is necessary.

The use of standard error is important here which is s√n/ and after the values are inserted it is found to be 43√50/. The result generated is 6.08 (decimal has been moved up to 2 points)

It will be easy to identify every sample mean if the interval value is considered to be 228,252.

Thus, the null hypothesis and middle value of the Duque is €230 and 230 respectively.

Therefore, it can be said that the approximate value of the order of the magnitude is €240.

 2.7 Customer Satisfaction

A. it is crucial that a company should be able to retain customers loyalty. If the customers stop purchasing the products, the business will incur losses; this will not lead to growth and development for the company. Duque has however not been able to generate sufficient feedback from customers to make reliable alterations of their services and products (Dash, 2018). This occurs since the company has a policy of distributing questionnaires during Christmas time through emails. To generate reliable feedback from customers, instead of carrying out the survey during Christmas break, the company should try to initiate the services all year round (Kau, 2014). The questionnaire should pop up on the company’s website every time an individual makes a purchase. The customers can also provide the feedback upon the delivery of the products on their door steps.
















Table 4: Descriptive statistics of the four mentioned variables

(Source: Created by the learner)

From the statistics above, the standard deviation of the sales staff and customer service is high, however that of price value is less; this means that customers are not being offered products that are value for their money. The above statistics state that the price value is 1.95 implying that the business has not been able to gain customer loyalty. Duque needs to improve its services in order for them satisfaction.

3.0 Conclusion

The most viable markets for Duque Papetiers Gros are Switzerland, Austria and Germany.; this are as a result of individual spending on writing and drawing materials is more significant compared to France. various expansion problems such as competition exist. However, if the company can penetrate the market and cultivate a reputable brand image then it will be able to gain market share in Germany and Switzerland. If the company is to expand, it is required to comply with ISO regulations. If the organization maintains its current trend, the sales of the company are projected to go through a steady increase in France to reach 195000 euros in 2019.


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