An essay about the workplace

Thanks to Improved Services like Technology

Thanks to improved services like technology that have reshaped the typical workplace over the past few decades, workplaces have recently evolved and changed for the best. The office of the past is no longer there; it has been replaced by the technology that has quickly advanced and enabled workers to engage with the global market. Additionally, technology has made life simpler for those working in human resources during the hiring process. One example is the so-called "recruited by machines" online automated interviews. (Budhwar, Schuler & Sparrow, 2009). The adoption of technology in the work place has resulted in many positive results for both the employer and the employees.

To Start with, the Level of Efficiency Has Improved

To start with, the level of efficiency has improved and as a result, increase in productivity has been evident. Much recent research has shown that workers are more productive than they were five years ago without the technology with two-thirds saying they are a lot more productive with 37% saying they are a lot more productive than before. Higher productivity has been experienced and much more evident among the people constantly connected, who make calls regularly. Those who rely on the internet have even benefitted further from working at home and reporting online to their employers. With the increase in employee productivity due to improved technology, employees are now placing emphasis on more important things such as precision and creativity (Fenwick, 2003).

With Technology, There Is Increased Collaboration at Workplaces

With technology, there is increased collaboration at work places. Technology has given communication a level that has never been experienced before. People can now connect easily, for example following a live conference through Skype, therefore, encouraging engagement and more team work.

Third, There Is Improved Cost Management

Third, there is improved cost management. The objective of every business out there is to make profits. With advanced technology in the work place comes an encouraged productivity for example in finance. Some few years back, employers relied on their accountant to work with a pen and a paper but with technology, they can now work with accounting software and as a result work has been reduced as well as the risk associated with human errors. There is also less time wasted doing work manually and as a result converting the saved time to profitability. A productive workplace is profitable and that is what technology has brought, totally changing the work place environment for the better.

Lastly, There Is Heightened Level of Security with Sophisticated Technology

Lastly, there is heightened level of security with sophisticated technology. Tracy is a business lady who owns a supermarket in a busy street in town which means there is traffic of clients. When she started, she used to suffer due to theft cases, which the employees normally passed the blame to the customers. Confused on how resolve the issue, she even employed more guards but the situation continued. After the emergence of the surveillance cameras, she realized that her own employees were the same ones stealing from her.

However, Despite the Positive Attributes

However, despite the positive attributes, technology has also cut down man power which in return translates to unemployment since humans are being replaced by machines. Human resource personnel is being cut down for the work they do can be done by machines and require few man power. Some employees have also complained of having hard times in keeping up with the latest technologies ("The Use of Modern Technology in Social Work: Ethical Dilemmas", 1986).

Suggestions and Recommendations

Suggestions and recommendations

In Order to Ensure That There Is a Healthy Relationship Between Machines and Human

In order to ensure that there is a healthy relationship between machines and human, companies should organize seminars aimed at educating their employees on how to relate and use the latest technology since at the end of the, they are dependable on each other. Employers should also avoid unnecessary replacement of man power for the sake of creating employment since even though the main objective of enterprises is making profits, they also at the same time exist in the society and it is the role of the management to ensure the society needs are taken care of.



Everybody Should Embrace Technology

Everybody should embrace technology, it is here to stay and improve with time.


Budhwar, P., Schuler, R., & Sparrow, P. (2009). International human resource management. London: Sage Publications.

Fenwick, T. (2003). Innovation: examining workplace learning in new enterprises. Journal Of Workplace Learning, 15(3), 123-132.

The Use of Modern Technology in Social Work: Ethical Dilemmas. (1986). Social Work.

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