Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Decision Making

According to Huitt (33), a group decision is an optimum solution out of the available set alternatives originating from a participatory process in which multiple individuals are acting collectively analyzed situations or challenges, evaluate and consider alternative courses of action. People involved in this participatory process might be demographically comparable or reasonably diverse. Such a group may be formally designated or relatively informal in nature and charged with a particular goal. The following are the merits and demerits of group decisions as compared to individual decision.

            Advantages of group decision as compared to the individual decision

            Solution to a given state of a problem originating from the simultaneous interaction of several people cover a wider area and provides better insight into group decision making. A group normally has more than one individual, and since every member is unique, there is bound to the diversity of views (Brahm et al. 46). This also explains why there exist varied alternative solutions to a problem as opposed to an individual decision. Furthermore, members will provide more knowledge and information because they have different specialties.  There is a usual reality to the axiom that “Two heads are better than one.”

            The decision implementation is more effective since the execution will be done by individuals who hand their representatives or participated in the plan of decision-making.  Individuals shall be greatly dedicated to seeing the realization of the implementation because they understand the problem they are dealing with (Huitt, 34)

            Greater acceptability. Ideas, concepts, views, or option expressed by a group tends to have a greater acceptance than those from one person (Cabrerizo et al. 77). The reason is that the proposed solutions are not imposed, but are general agreement (part of a larger consensus). The decision of a person can be perceived as being autocratic while group decision is automatically assumed to be more democratic.

            Disadvantages of group decision as compared to the individual decision

            As postulated by Wu  Jian et al. (14), selecting the best alternative solution in some occasion results in a compromise. Therefore, quality and efficiency of the group decision have always been questioned. There exist social pressures, egocentrism and different demands which may force members to agree to a proposal without actual evaluation. Unlike decision from an individual, group decision may be influenced by self-centered members. Some people will agree for the sake. Certain personalities tend to rule when individuals get together (Brahm et al. 58). Decision-making environment may not be different. Usually, members that will make themselves to be heard and regularly dominating the group with their idea are those with strong, vociferous personalities. Others will be intimidated resulting disclosure of better concepts that may never be reviewed.

            The decision from a group discussion may not be in accord with the set objectives, vision, and goals of the organization. When goals of individuals and group do not correlate, the result of the decision may be detrimental to benefits of cooperation. Wu, Jian, et al. (89) has demonstrated that groups tend to shift towards risk decisions. And decisions from a group are always time-consuming and very expensive. In the shift, should the decision turns out ineffective, the responsibility for it might be untraceable to any specific group member. Planning and implementation of group decisions take time. Some procedures like the careful selection of members, distribution of agenda to members and time for member review must be put into consideration. One meeting might not be adequate for the decision making, and group dissuasions can extend over time as compared to individual decision making.


Works Cited

Brahm, Carolyn, and Brian H. Kleiner. "Advantages and disadvantages of group decision-making approaches." Team Performance Management: An International Journal 2.1 (1996): 30-35.

Cabrerizo, Francisco Javier, et al. "Analyzing consensus approaches in fuzzy group decision making: advantages and drawbacks." Soft Computing 14.5 (2010): 451-463.

Huitt, William. "Problem solving and decision making: Consideration of individual differences using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator." Journal of Psychological type 24.1 (1992): 33-44.

Wu, Jian, et al. "A visual interaction consensus model for social network group decision making with trust propagation." Knowledge-Based Systems 122 (2017): 39-50.

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