Adolescents and Human Trafficking


Human trafficking has become a great concern for governments as well as law enforcers as they try to eradicate the practice. However, there exist a bigger challenge to the psychologists and social workers who are involved with rehabilitating the affected. One of the biggest issues is the situation of the victims due to fear of humiliation. In addition, they suffer low self-esteem and feel discouraged to share the experience (Hickle " Roe-Sepowitz, 2014). Getting help becomes difficult for many survivors, which can lead to depression and other psychological problems. However, groups of adolescent girls who have been victims of human trafficking can adopt some exercises that can facilitate sharing of experiences.

Deep Breathing Exercise

The first opening exercise appropriate for group therapy is use of deep breathing that helps in calming the members as well as reducing anxiety. Taking a deep breath and letting it out brings some relieving effect to an individual. The leader of the groups asks the girls to breathe in and hold it for a few seconds then command the group to let it out slowly. Before starting, a place is selected for the breathing exercises and the girls are allowed some free space. They can do it while standing and then while sitting, which may also allow some kind of interaction. The girls should be wearing comfortable clothes to allow free breathing and movement during the exercise. The exercise can also be done while lying down. In this case, the participants lie down on their back with a pillow under the heads. The next step is to breathe through the nose, fill the belly with air, and then breathe out slowly. This can be done severally while placing one hand on the belly and the other on the chest and repeatedly taking long deep breaths in and out.

The "Mingle Game"

The second exercise is the "mingle game" which is a simultaneous interaction of the participants. The leader instructs the participants to rise up and move about but within a limited space set up by the facilitator. The girls can be given 10 minutes to meet as many people as possible within the group. During the session, the members can talk about anything including their likes and dislikes. It is expected that there will be noisy chaos as the participants move around meeting as many members as possible. This warms up the room and allows everyone to cheer up before any activity of opening up begins.

Research on Group Therapy

Research on group therapy has been researched a lot to help people that face difficult situations in life leading to emotional and psychological pain. According to Schimmel and Jacobs (2011), facilitators of group therapy must always have positive attitude during discussions since it contributes to full engagement of the participants. Use of breathing exercises is a great opener as it allows the group members to relax and remain calm throughout the session. The mingling game allows socialization of the members enabling them to feel free with each other and share the experiences. Another study by Hickle and Roe-Sepowitz (2014) argued that games can facilitate education of girls on various issues that affect their lives negatively such as human trafficking more so the ones that have faced sexual violence.

Importance of Games and Socializing Activities

Games and other socializing activities are essential for creation of a conducive environment for adolescents. For instance, mingling games help in providing informal channels of sharing and relating freely with others. In addition, the involvement in groups of people with similar experiences provides a conducive environment for the girls, which encourages them to share heir experiences. The breathing exercise helps the participants to relax as well as get rid of anxiety before therapy sessions begin. Therefore, doing exercises is the best way to help girls open up during group therapies involving human trafficking.


Hickle, K. E., " Roe-Sepowitz, D. E. (2014). Putting the pieces back together: A group intervention for sexually exploited adolescent girls. Social Work with Groups, 37(2), 99-113.

Schimmel, C.J., " Jacobs, E. (2011). When leaders are challenged: Dealing with involuntary members in groups. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 36(2), 144-158.

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