Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation of Emancipation

I Abraham Lincoln, hereby proclaim that the war will be prosecuted to restore the constitutional relation between the United States and the citizens.

From 1st January 1863 henceforth, all slaves in the ten states that are still in rebellion will be free and will be safeguarded by the executive government of the United States. There will be no attempt by either the navy or military to repress such persons. Their freedom shall be recognized and fully restored. No one is to be held captive as a slave beyond 100 days from the stated date. I call for immediate or gradual freeing of slaves to towards the deadline stated. The people of such rebellious states shall then be represented by qualified voters in the United States Congress as evidence of the end of rebellion against the federal government.

I urge all people declared free to avoid violence except in cases of self-defense and recommend that they should rightfully labor in good faith for fair wages in suitable conditions.

I declare the reception of freed slaved in suitable condition into the United States armed service including the garrison forts, stations, positions, man vessels, navy and union army.

I invoke the heedful judgment of man and God’s favor, in consideration that this cat is just and constitutionally acceptable.

The Emancipation Proclamation

I Abraham Lincoln, declare the immediate or gradual freeing of slaves in the Confederate areas within the ten states still rebelling against the Union. The exercise is meant to happen within 100 days from 1st January 1863.

Freed slaves shall have their freedom upheld and reinforced by the federal government through the navy and the military forces. A representative Congress vote is required to act as a proof of the end of rebellion among the targeted states.

I declare that all freed slaves are to enjoy the privilege of being enlisted into the Union army and the United States Army. I urge such persons to work for their wages and avoid violence at all cost except in situations of self-defense.

I invoke the heedful judgment of man and God’s favor, in consideration that this cat is just and constitutionally acceptable.

The Emancipation Proclamation

I Abraham Lincoln proclaim freeing of slaves in rebellious confederate areas from 1st January 1863. I declare government military support for the freed persons and urge them to avoid violence and work for wages. They are to be enlisted into the navy and union army without discrimination.

The Emancipation Proclamation Twitter Message

FOREVER FREE. Proclaiming freedom to slaves in Confederate areas. Incorporation into the Army " Navy. Urging work and peace. JUSTICE!

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