A standby generator

A backup generator is a must-have for any agricultural enterprise that has automated feeding systems and facilities. The farm management reduces the danger of loss when the commercial power supply is interrupted by investing in a standby generator. The farm can either purchase an engine-driven generator or a tractor-driven generator. Engine-driven vehicles are acquired in conjunction with an engine, which might be manual or automated. The most common engines are diesel fuelled, liquid propane and gasoline models. They are usually heavy and permanently installed. In comparison with tractor driven, engine generators are fuel efficient, create less noise and have lesser stat up time. However the excellent features of engine generators mean they are more expensive to purchase and maintain. On the other hand, tractor driven generators have low initial expenses and are less costly to maintain. They produce excessive noise and have reduced output capacity.

Standard features of standby generators

Digital control

The digital voltage regulation protects the sensitive electronic from distortion and fluctuating power quality.

Low oil sensor

Low oil sensor is a safety feature that automatically turns the generator off if oil is low.

Voltage control

Voltage control is a regulation component that controls the amount of power being transmitted from the generator. The safety of the standby generator depends on the consistency of the power being sent out. Without the voltage control, fluctuations in the output may lead to damage of the generator and the appliance it powers.

Fuel efficiency

A lot of standby generator shave fuel efficiency feature to keep track of the amount of gas in the tank. Typical generators use either liquid propane or natural gas while few rely on diesel. Fuel efficiency depends on the type of fuel used, electrical load and the size of the generator (Lorenzi 1). When making purchase decision for the farm’s generator, it is recommended to compare half-load fuel consumptions to full-load.

Transfer switch options

A transfer switch is a component of the farm business from the utility to generator power. An automatic switch can switch power supply and generate electricity on its own and during an outrage; it will automatically switch from land line to generator power.

Operation and maintenance of a standby generator

For the purpose of farm safety, a local power supplier should be consulted before installing the generator. A licenced electrician should make all electrical operations. A standby generator is connected to a wiring system using a device that stops power from interfering with the supply line. During operation, automatic start generator should start automatically when power is on and stop when power is disconnected. The operator must install a double transfer to the switch to ensure no feedback. Operation steps can be summarised as follows:

Turn off and disconnect electrical equipment’s in the farm before starting

Start the unit and ensure the generator has the right speed

Look at the voltage to know when the generator is ready

Ensure the transfer switch is in the generator’s position

Place the transfer switch in power position when the commercial power is connected.

The lifecycle of standby generators can be prolonged by keeping it clean and in good condition. Cleaning not only removes accumulated dirt that may cause overheating, but also ensures it is ready for use anytime commercial electricity is disconnected. Engine generators should be operated for about 5- percent load in short durations (Gilmore, Peter and Lester 3). Fuel should be changed at least every two months to stop moisture from condensing in the tank. Additionally, the lifecycle of a generator depends on the size of the fuel tank. More fuel will be required for higher loads while gasoline and diesel based models require less fuel than those fuelled using Liquid Propane Gas.

The rating of standby generators is based on the electricity power they produce in kilowatts (kW). 1000 watts is one kW. The generators nameplate consists of two ratings; a smaller number and a larger number. The smaller one indicates the generator’s power output during operation while the larger number indicates the power produced during short overloads. Generators are designed to produce the same power type, frequency and voltage as that produced by power lines. For farm needs, a standby generator should have nearly four times more power to run. The farm can choose either a full electrical load system or a partial electrical system. A full electrical load system powers the entire farm.

Advantages of a standby generator

Standby generators allow automatic disconnection of the far facilities firm utility lines when commercial power fails. Isolating from the utility hen power fails protects workers and electrical gadgets from power surges, brownouts and spikes.

Standby generators can be used to power the entire farm house building or a particular are of interest.

They provide fast and automatic power when power lines fail.

When commercial power returns, standby generator does not transfer to utility before voltage stabilises, which protects people from surges and voltage fluctuation?

Standby generators are installed permanently. They do to require extension cord and installation of units during storms and other disasters. Also, it is safe to operate standby generator during natural disaster. They is no need to have a backup energy plan during an emergency.

Standby generators are designed to remain connected to the farm circuit system through the major electric panel. They can power either automatically using automatic transfer switch or manually.

They offer a smooth transition when electrical supply is disconnected. The automatic switch takes less than thirty seconds to generate power during a blackout. With the addition of a USB battery accessory, standby generators can greatly ensure power remains when changing to generated power.


The start-up cost of standby generator is much higher in comparison to other generators. Setting up the generator is time consuming and expensive. Diesel generators are made of heavy parts that may lead to higher cost and does not burn clean like other generators and re loud when operating.

The automatic transfer switch of standby generator may respond to false signals. When the automatic switch sense signals in the farms main power supply, it switches to generator feed to prevent outrage. However, some switches may respond to wrong signals and result to wastage of power.

Standby generators are expensive to purchase and install, and require yearly maintenance. They are permanently installed and therefore difficult to move when the farm changes location.

Making purchase decision

The financial implications of running standby generator can be measured in their two major uses: ensuring maintenance schedule coincides with high charging periods, and operating the generators for extra hours outside the maintenance schedule (Daniels and Coker 1). If the commercial power supply goes off, power from the standby generator automatically keeps operations running smoothly. The system is made of the generator and a transfer switch; the generator is placed outside the farm while the transfer switch is located near the main breaker. There are main fuel choices for standby generators: natural gas (NG), Diesel and Propane (LP). When available, natural gas is the preferred fuel as it is affordable and burns clean. Propane is commonly used when natural gas is not accessible. Diesel is non-flammable and must be stabilised to keep it fresh. A good way of knowing the size of generator need for the farm house is by dividing the number of watts for all electrical devices that need to be powered during power disconnection. To the total kilowatts, the total weight is divided by 1000, which will determine the kind of generator rating to purchase.

Conclusion and recommendations

In a farm organisation, lack of backup power may hinder smooth flow of operations and bring financial losses. Standby generators are used where the disruption of commercial power supply may lead to losses to an organisation. The generator provides power during outrage. When power is disconnected, the standby generator immediacy supplies power to the circuits. when utility power retunes, the transfer switch transmits load back to utility and caused the standby generator to shut down. it then goes to a standby mode ready for another outrage For a fuel efficient generator, the firm can purchase an engine driven type, which can be manual or automatic. These types of generators make less noise and have less start up time. They run on diesel, liquid propane or gasoline. A tractor driven on the other hand is less costly and easy to maintain. The generators are loaded with sophisticated features and functionalities such as low oil sensor, transfer switch option, voltage control and fuel efficiency functionally. The low oil sensor ensures the generator is off when oil is low while the fuel efficiency keeps track of gas amount in the tank. The transfer switch can either be manual or automatic. Automatic switch is preferred for its convenience capability; it can switch power supply and generate power during an outrage. For efficient response to an outrage, the generator runs regularly self-tests.

For safety reasons, it is recommended have professional help before installing and installing the generator. The farm can sue natural gas, diesel or propane although natural gas is the preferred option because it burns clean and is affordable. It is recommended to use automatic start and engine –driven generators to ensure no power disruptions. Engine-driven generators should be run for more five percent load during short duration and the fuel should be replaced at least every two months. Additionally, a large farm should have a full electric load over a partial system to power the entire farm. Partial electrical system is used in electric loads such as ventilation fans and milking equipment. The capacity for partial load system is lower than for full load system. The lower capacity of partial electricity load systems makes generators less expensive and suited for specific farm activities.

Works cited

Daniels, L. A., B. A. Potter, and P. J. Coker. "Financial implications for companies running standby generators in support of a smart grid." The CISBAT Conference. 2013.

Gilmore, Elisabeth A., Peter J. Adams, and Lester B. Lave. "Using backup generators for meeting peak electricity demand: a sensitivity analysis on emission controls, location, and health endpoints." Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association60.5 (2010): 523-531.

Lorenzi, Neal. Critical features of emergency power generators (2015). Available at: https://www.hfmmagazine.com/articles/1712-critical-features-of-emergency-power-generators

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