A Review of Brand Loyalty

A survey was conducted involving for major lotion brands using a questionnaire and hard seven participants. The participants were taken through six questions touching on the satisfaction derived from either of the brands. In the different sections, their responses were not constant on a particular brand. Majority or three out of the seven participants preferred Aveeno, which was closely followed by two who preferred Vaseline while the rest, Jergens and Johnson & Johnson tied with each being preferred by one customer. Most customers preferred the lotion because it works best according to 6 of the participants translating to 85.71%. Of all the customers, 100% were sure to use the brand again, and they would also recommend it to other people.

Are There Brand or Categories for Which Consumer’s Loyalty Is Relatively High?

According to the survey, none of the brands commanded a relatively high consumer’s loyalty. A study conducted six months before the recent one; the brands had different figures, Aveeno which is the current leader has 48% loyalty which is an increase from the initial 14.29%. It is evident that in the six months some customers started using the brand and were satisfied hence become loyal to the brand. However, judging by historical data, it is difficult to establish if this loyalty will last even though customers did not seem bothered about pricing or other factors as the vast majority (85.71%) was satisfied with the product and 100% would recommend it to others. Brand loyalty constitutes a relative high attitude towards a brand as characterized by repurchase behavior (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Customers can pay high prices for purchases and recommend other customers to the brand. Loyal customers are never willing to switch a brand even though its competitors enhance their market strategies.

How Do Consumers Explain Their Loyalty or Lack Thereof

Often, consumers choose to be loyal to brands and hardly are they provoked by strategies employed by competing products. A business has to build and nurture their brands to win the customers' loyalty and failure to which, they will often compete in adjusting prices and convenience. If customers purchase a brand based on its accessibility and low rates, it reduces it to a commodity. Customers are loyal to a brand if they can derive maximum satisfaction.

What specific marketing decisions can be taken regarding the marketing mix given the results for one of the brands?

The most popular brand has tapped into customer loyalty since its products work well. Most of the customers are satisfied with the product and would even recommend it 100%. Aveeno increased its customer base from six months back as they were able to provide superior products. The customers did not choose the brand based on price, whether it was on sale or recommended, but because it works best. When making marketing decisions, it is essential to have insights on what contributes to loyalty and improve or work around it in ensuring clients continue experiencing the same service.

List At Least Three Decisions That Justify Your Answer Drawing From both Survey Results and External Research

Research has shown that most of the customers are loyal to the brand based on the superiority of a product. 85 percent of the clients chose the product because it was satisfactory. In this regard, the marketing strategy should focus on the quality use of products. A strategic decision based on price is not that effective in the market since only 14.29 % of customers choose a brand due to lower costs. A firm may lower its prices, but this is not likely to enhance its customer base. Also, goods by just being on sale or recommended by others do not boost its preference in the market. Therefore, brands need to make their products outstanding and satisfying to win customers.

Surveys are essential as they aid in the selection of the best marketing strategies. The lotion brands exhibit different characteristics that appeal to customers. Based on the above analysis, loyalty is acquired through product satisfaction rather than price or convenience.


5 key metrics for measuring brand loyalty. (n.d.). SurveyMonkey. Retrieved from https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/5-key-metrics-measuring-brand-loyalty/

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management. (15 ed.). Boston: Pearson.

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