A Happy Story Will Make You Happier

A happy story is a wonderful thing to share with others. Whether you write about a happy event that happened to you or a story you found somewhere else, sharing a happy story will make others happy, as well. It will open up your heart to the goodness in the world. Here are some examples of happy stories. All are true and worth sharing. In the end, you'll be happier for it. Read on to learn more about how happy stories affect our lives.

Short stories on happiness

There is a reason why some people are unhappy with their lives. But what is the secret of happiness? A happy person is someone who is satisfied and content with his or her life. This can be achieved through a balance between internal and external worlds. A happy person does not neglect the drops of oil that fall on a spoon. Similarly, a happy person does not forget his sheep. The natural world is fascinating. However, a human being must be responsible for himself or herself.

Hedonic happiness

Two theories of happiness are known: hedonic happiness and eudaimonia. Both theories suggest that the goal of life is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Hedonism tends to be associated with outward displays of happiness, and is often used to describe the way people view life. Here's a brief overview of both. The first theory is based on the concept of eudaimonia, while the second is based on the notion of hedonic happiness.

Communal happiness

Communal happiness is the collective experience of a group of people who share a common interest. The individual's happiness depends on their peaceful and just relations with their neighbors, as well as on the coordinated actions of a group. Each member of the community is of equal good to the community as a whole, and their actions should be weighed in relation to the common good. This condition is crucial to coordinating efforts in a community, and is the basis of a sense of communal morality.

Long-term happiness

Research suggests that there are several common principles that people who lead happy lives follow. Long-term happiness is the result of conscious action and planning. Here are four secrets to long-term happiness. First, choose to be happy. Regardless of your age, if you can find happiness, you'll be happier in the long run. Then, choose to be happy now and for the rest of your life. Ultimately, it's all up to you!


If you are planning to write a happy story, consider incorporating relationships in the plot. This will keep the reader engaged throughout the story. You can find stories with happy couples in magazines, newspapers, and novels. By including some relationships in the plot, you can make the story seem more authentic and real. Creating happy stories will make you feel more fulfilled and satisfied, and it will help you create a more successful and engaging story.

Fruits and vegetables

According to research by the University of Warwick and the University of Queensland, eating more fruit and vegetables is linked to a higher level of happiness. The researchers found that people who ate more fruit and vegetables daily reported higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction. Eating more fruit and vegetables was associated with a 0.24 life satisfaction point increase, which is about the same as the psychological gain that comes with a job. While the researchers took many other factors into account, this research found that eating more fruits and vegetables was associated with substantial increases in happiness and overall life satisfaction.


In "Friendship is a Happy Story," Eleanor Oliphant, a socially awkward writer who prefers to stay home and spend her weekends talking to her mother, faces a crisis when she discovers that she is falling in love with a mysterious British guy. But she quickly learns that being open about her feelings isn't all that bad. Similarly, Julian Jessop, a lonely and inauthentic writer, finds connections with people he never thought he'd find. The story is a charming and warm read that will make you feel good about the good things in life.

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