The Creation of Voltaire and the Historical Evolution of Dada in Zurich

The creation of Voltaire, which is regarded as the prime location for Dada performances, as well as a description of the historical evolution of Dada in Zurich are provided below.

The Birth of Dada

Tristan claims that the Dada movement was founded in 1917 and precisely dates its birth to the month of July in his Chronicle, which is known as the "Zurich Chronicle." Breton believed that between 1915 and 1923, a group of young artists and philosophers from throughout the world undertook a series of initiatives with the primary goal of "killing art?" (Marc, 16). However, these individuals, upon declaring their intentions, vowed they were out to end the social order which they believed had led to war.

Surviving Opposition

The movement faced a lot of criticism and opposition from many parties, and it was individuals from across Europe i.e. Romans like Tristan Tzara and Marcelo Janco plus Germans like Richard Huelsenbeck who ensured that the movement survived the course. Many argue that Dada was founded by foreigners as much as it was formed in Zurich.

Cabaret Voltaire

Cabaret Voltaire is dated to have been opened right about the period the Dada movement set its root in Munich. It was opened by Hugo Ball back then, and it is said to have been opened initially as a set up where a few gentlemen intended to pass the time and enjoy their evening due to idleness. Hugo Ball was a renowned poet, and he incorporated his skill into pushing the agenda of the group. Tristan Tzara, on his part, was an architect, and his skill in drawing was useful as he helped during the painting of the faces into African shapes during their opposition to the social rule. Constant members of the gathering in Cabaret Voltaire were Alsatians like Hans Rap, Germans like Hans Ritcher as well as Richard Huelsenbeck, Romanians like Janco Marcel with Tristan Tzara and Hugo Ball himself. Initially, the gatherings seemed harmless with no intention of causing mayhem, but the gathering, later on, manifested to provocations specifically against bourgeoisie (Foster, 12).

Significance of Cabaret Voltaire

This venue was used for some activities, specifically to showcase art from the above individuals ranging from paintings to poems and drawings. The Voltaire is very significant to the members of Dada movement as it associates the movement with its leadership and original founders. Cabaret Voltaire is currently a tourist attraction site, and it is very beneficial to the citizens of the city of Zurich. Many artists are known to be identified with the works of the original founders. This venue thus is important in ensuring their works is preserved plus what they fought and advocated for is maintained up to date regardless of the changing times and situations.

Essential Question

Were the members and original founders of Dada Movement justified in their provocations against social order and bourgeoisie?

The Relevance of Dada

It is important to note that the movement was not relevant as they had no clear intentions at first as we can see that the founders initially gathered in Cabaret Voltaire out of idleness. They should have rather used their skills in the art to advocate for togetherness other than them ganging up to fight the social order which would later result in chaos in Munich. It is as a result that the Swiss up to date do not recognize the relevance of the movement and better yet they still do not understand what the movements were advocating for in their objectives (Dachy, 34). What can be borrowed from the founders of the movement is their intention to use art as an avenue to advocate for a better social order and encouraging activities that prevent war and misunderstanding.

Works Cited

Dachy, Marc. The Dada Movement, 1915-1923. New York: Rizzoli, 1990. Print.

Foster, Stephen C, Brigitte Pichon, and Karl Riha. Dada Zurich: A Clown’s Game from Nothing. New York: G.K. Hall, 1996. Print.

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