Working with elementary school children

Working with elementary school children is one of the most critical elements of teaching in early childhood segments of learning institutions. While a number of issues are important in such a perspective, the establishment of quality teacher-child relationships is most fundamental. Quality teacher-child relationship is critical in the prediction of the low levels of externalizing behavior. Besides, such high-quality relationships act as a protective factor that helps in the prevention of children with high internalization behaviors while in early childhood from developing certain trajectories of long-term internalization behaviors. The teacher-child relationships remain proximal for targeting certain interventions to help in providing solutions to behavior problems during middle childhood age.

There are numerous ways in which one can learn to integrate literacy, reading, and language instruction across content areas. Some of the ways include;

a. Setting the students with a reading challenge

b. Creating a reading wall

c. Creating a word carpet for use by the students

d. Engaging the reluctant readers

e. Giving students time to properly invest in what they write.

Improving literacy among children requires the integration of literacy, reading, and language instruction across content areas. Considering the fact that children differ in their abilities, using of different approaches becomes an essential element in ensuring that the objective is achieved. Setting students to a reading challenge for example, where the students aim to read a certain number of books within a certain period is fundamental to enhance all-around skills. Teachers could also share whatever they have read with the students as a means of building their relationship and encourage those that are reluctant to read. Students usually take pride in the achievements and as such, give them the opportunity to work on errors and equally have a better understanding of learned elements. The application of the above strategies is necessary as it enhances success with the employment of little energy and time.

Hands-on experience refers to the use of physical assignments or activities that provide engagement to the students in their learning sessions. There are different kinds of hands-on work one learns to use with students in the areas of science and technology instruction that work to enhance their participation and understanding. These include;

a. Creating a take-apart center where students can explore like it is with engineers

b. Encouraging of the kids to collaborate more with technology like working in pairs on various technological devices like iPad.

c. Selection of apps that help children with building and creating which works by engaging their participation in making developments of different elements.

d. Combining of technology and active outdoor time, most especially for the portable devices.

e. Recycling of old tech in the children’s play center.

Children tend to learn more through interaction with the different learning activities that they engage. In areas of science and technology instruction, having of hands-on activities is indeed of significant importance as such areas are more into practical rather than theoretical. The traditional ways of teaching, which involved reading through a book and doing the problems associated with the rote memory of facts and formulas are not as effective as it used to before. Hands-on work ensures that the learner makes a one-on-one engagement with the work they perform thus a way of enhancing their understanding. Science and technology are practical subjects and therefore a hands-on work ensures that an effective learning process among the learners.

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