Welfare Benefits

Welfare benefit can be defined as money paid by the government to the people mostly those that are ill, poor or those who have no jobs or disabled in one way or another. For example, the US government has programs that cater for proper with services such as food, housing, healthcare, and other necessary living expenses. The government has created a website that provides for people in need, the site being beneficts.gov. It advises you on the kind of assistance you will get, the qualifications and how to apply.  You need to fill the questions about yourself and to see if you are eligible for these programs to help you pay for food, insurance, and other necessities (Sherraden, Michael, and Neil Gilbert, 301).  There are programs for people with disability, war veterans among others.

                                 In nations such as Ireland, they offer support to aged people and permanently living in the Ireland free transport-this includes only people that are above 66 years this, however, is not entitled to people under this age bracket.  There is other welfare that provides for social welfare; those living on specified islands off the coast of Ireland.  Living under these terms increases your welfare payment. There also benefits that helps people who are living in the homes the welfare is called household benefits package. The household benefits package allows people with the costs of your house. The bills include electricity, gas and a free television license-this scheme is for people aged 70 and those under 70 with some circumstances. There are also people leaving alone are entitled to this social welfare pensions. The living alone expense is a supplementary payment for only the people living alone.  Fuel allowance is a national scheme that providing a benefit to low-income households that are unable to me their heating needs.  Telephone support allowance is a supplementary need for certain welfare groups like living alone increase and the fuel allowance.   These benefits greatly help in improving people in need of them to enhance their lives.  Such benefits that support the aged in society helps them not to go to hustle and helps them relax which is very important for people who are aged. In the UK it has provided some welfare benefits that allow its citizens they obtain welfare benefits from the welfare benefits system.  Welfare benefits can help you live more indecently connected with society.  There are programs for people available for people with complex communication needs and are entitled to them.  There is also a website that assists people to know how they can get a qualification and how to qualify (Taylor, Paul, and Jason L. Powell, 201). The Personal Independent the payment includes people meet extra costs if you have been suffering a long-term disease or those that are disabled.   The scheme helps them pay day to day bills and mobility services.  It also covers for children under the age of 16 and those above the age of 64.  Employment and support allowance helps people who are unable to work due to illness or disability (Kang, M. Y., and S. Y. Soh, 37).  Attendance allowance benefits people who are aged above 65 years old and those disabled; this scheme caters for these people to be exempted from paying tax, it is designated to help them meet the cost of living in day to day lives. It is however paid in two different rates depending on the level of support that one needs (Diane, Schlegel, et al., 146).  Career allowance helps people who care for persons with a disability for at least 35 hours a week.  For one to get this benefit, the person you are caring for must have been receiving disability-related benefit.  Claimants must not also be below the age of 16, having not attended a full-time education program and cannot be earning 110 Euros per week after deductions such as tax and national insurance. It is essential that the UK profoundly cares for the citizens, people with disability and unemployed person.

                                       People who have not gotten a stable life need to cater for by their government due to the hard times they face.  The government has to pass bills to provide for people who have diverse backgrounds and help them meet their basic needs; excluding people from things like tax and even paying for their national insurance. Over the years different governments have shown various approaches to cater to these persons, and it has helped them feel like they are part of the nation. People who have multiple forms of challenges like diseases, disability, unemployed, aged and those near them are affected both directly and indirectly hence it is essential for their governments to know the problem these people face. In third world countries like India, for example, the story is very different. India extreme poverty line stands at 38 percent and its per capita income is 3000 dollars, this was the capital for the UK, US, Germany passed the range 1890 to 1910.  The indicators show everything is not okay in third world countries; the line can be removed by providing benefits of social protection (Garland, David, 143).  The earliest social benefits were introduced by Otto Von Bismarck where he protected with people with programs like sickness programs and compensation programs.  Today in the third world countries the story is different for example India recognized the importance of these schemes that include universal social security program. The system was introduced to its citizen by Modi where the entire city has a stake in the program.

                                       Nearly every country has introduced a scheme to help the most venerable members in their population.  Developing countries are moving towards helping members of their society more increasingly. This is a tremendous opportunity to improve their lives only a third of the world’s population is connected to this scheme, the number being 1.3 that are being directly or indirectly.  People are currently being protected by programs such as health, education access, and health improvement and education access. These programs help people in the society remove poverty and strengthen their resilience in the face of disasters and other challenges. The challenge facing developing countries is developing these programs and implementing them.  These programs will not only meet people problems but also but makes them sustainable and effective over the long term. Social welfare broadly is defined by the number of their services that include health care, unemployment benefits and disability insurance among others.  The state has to protect weak members of the society and the vulnerable ones. The improvement of these programs corrodes with the industrial revolution and technological advancement.   Today developed nations have the pride of a social safety net system that includes the sick disabled and the elderly within the society.

                                     It is understandable that developing nations are following the racks of the developed nations. Countries are becoming wealthier and collect more taxes; people demand greater accountability to the public. Hence the government has to address social programs and development.  Some examples developing countries have implemented successful programs like in the year 2002 in Brazil.  Then-president Luiz had to tackle extreme poverty and economic inequality.  Ten years later after the program was introduced, it reached roughly 25 percent of the population the poverty rate fell from 9.5 to 4.3 percent.  Mexico in another example entered a program called Prospera to motivate mothers to take their children to hospital and schools.  This program has gained popularity due to the factor of improving educational levels, strengthening nutritional standards and reducing poverty. The program has gained popularity worldwide and has been implemented in more than 50 countries.

                        There is a vast difference between impoverished nation’s welfare programs and those of wealthy nations. In Qatar the have the world’s highest per capita income the ministry of development, labor, and social affairs is responsible for leading the country’s socials protection affairs.  Their assistance programs diminish peoples risk and enhance capacity to help people problems of the economy, social risks like unemployment, exclusion, sickness disability, and old age.  Their wealth helps them to improve people dramatically like widows, those divorced, abandoned wives, prisoners, missing persons, children with unknown fathers, victims of domestic violence among others. This may sound a joke and impossible to developing countries and they see this as unachievable.   Through programs, they can, however, improve their people’s lives and diverting money from dead investments and resurrection of projects that can help the society.

                       For people to feel that their government has done something to improve their lives and strengthen the current social protection system, the government has also to integrate the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups to mainstream them to workforce and society.  Adopting a mechanism to review and update social protection law will go a long way helping these groups.  Increasing the number of vocational training and occupational therapy to help people develop skills to these people and their treatment (Crosmann, Virginia, 132). The governments can also increase the participation of these welfare groups and help them with specific programs to help them being stable. Strengthening laws and policies for companies and NGO's that they have to include a certain percentage that has to include these persons.  Another means is developing a co-operate responsibility framework suited to the country’s economic, political and social context, including one that monitors them.

                              There have been numerous criticisms of these welfare programs from critics in all sectors.  One being that they dilute communal ties meaning these people wants to be associated with their members only. For example, people who have a disability in one way or another want to be associated with people who are disabled to create ideas and to work together.  Another critic may argue that this is a way of wasting money that may have been used wisely to build better infrastructure and their family members can help these people their family members can help these people. They continue arguing that it makes the national tax burden, reduces private savings among others.  Others claim these programs do not encourage working; it contributes weight on the hardworking citizens and has little to reduce poverty. They base their argument that these people should be put income generating project rather than being given money now and then. They say mostly the youths might not see the need of looking for a job because the government is providing cash both directly or indirectly like through their parents.

                                We may see these needs why programs why they should not be there but they are thought ideas on how to help venerable groups in the society. There is one way or another people help our nation. War veterans deserve the best treatment they deserve since without these people we would be nowhere, we have to thank such people in the efforts they need (Quilgars, Deborah, et al., 30). The elderly in society have helped one way or another to build this nation, the highest prize we can offer to these people is through such actions. The disabled in the society have to be looked with a particular eye since these people may have gotten this condition either by disease, accident or being born in that manner. We all agree this person cannot contribute to the growth of the society we have to show they are part of us. We have to accept the ways they are and appreciate them are part of us and cannot work to make a living. This jobless youth; they are our younger brothers and sisters; we have to support them before they become stable.  We helped them will stop action such as theft, drug abuse among other negative factors associated with idleness (Saez, Emmanuel, and Stefanie Stantcheva, 24). We can see one way or another before this welfare programs are implemented they are well thought of, critics may argue to prove these programs are not benefiting the nation. Critics have to realize that these people are not financially stable to build this nation, but they have to know they are essential and we cannot de-associate from them.


                                These welfare programs are vital to these people respecting veterans, the aged and those disabled in society. We have to support these people since they cannot work like us (Landsverk, John, 350).  This person we agree they somehow pull down our economy directly or indirectly because a lot of money is used to cater for their needs. We have to realize there no way of eliminating these people, the youths who are jobless can be in the cable of making contributions can make contributions in the future.  Helping this person is the only way we can show appreciation they are part of us. We, however, have to do permanent projects to help this person without us allocating our budgets in future for them. Putting up permanent income generating projects should be the way we should be thinking this we can stop assigning money for them every financial year (Hadley, Roger, and Stephen Hatch, 23).  Poverty is something else that can’t ignore we can also face it, almost all this people in need rely on us because they have no money. We have in future to have holidays to celebrate these venerable groups thanking them that they are part of us.  In my view, the welfare programs are essential and help to build this nation; we have to involve them in our policy-making events and even participating in public forums to make them feel that they are highly appreciated.

                                                                 Works Cited

Crossman, Virginia. "Politics, pauperism and power in late nineteenth-century Ireland."

Diane, Schlegel, et al. "Starting young: Improving the health and developmental outcomes of infants and toddlers in the child welfare system." Family Foster Care in the Next Century. Routledge, 2018. 149-166.

Garland, David. The welfare state: a very short introduction. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Hadley, Roger, and Stephen Hatch. Social welfare and the failure of the state: centralised social services and participatory alternatives. Routledge, 2018.

Kirst-Ashman, Karen K. Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work " Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives. Nelson Education, 2015.

Kang, M. Y., and S. Y. Soh. "Comparative Analysis on a Social Network Structure for the Rural Elderly Welfare Services: Focusing on Rural Healthy and Long Life Villages." Korean Journal of Agricultural Management and Policy (2016).

Landsverk, John. Beyond common sense: Child welfare, child well-being, and the evidence for policy reform. Routledge, 2017.

Saez, Emmanuel, and Stefanie Stantcheva. "Generalized social marginal welfare weights for optimal tax theory." American Economic Review 106.1 (2016): 24-45.

Sherraden, Michael, and Neil Gilbert. Assets and the poor: new American welfare policy. Routledge, 2016.

Taylor, Paul, and Jason L. Powell. "The UK welfare state system." The Routledge International Handbook to Welfare State Systems. Abingdon. Routledge (2017): 191-202.

Quilgars, Deborah, et al. "Accommodation for Single Veterans: Developing Housing and Support Pathways." (2018).

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