Use of Mobile Phones in Class

The Use of Mobile Phones in Class

The use of mobile phones in class, especially smartphones is a troubling trend that faces educators and learners all over the world. The idea that smartphones could be used in class for pedagogical purposes remains a contentious topic. The internet capabilities of smartphones could mean that students' learning experiences are enhanced (Ikeguchi 2008, p.3). Also, smartphones could act as equalizers for students from various socioeconomic groups as it acts a unifying factor that they all possess in class. However, the challenge comes in when the right purpose of mobile phone use in class is expected. Students are more inclined to use their phones for entertainment purposes than learning. This tendency thus creates various problems as far as teaching and learning are concerned. The essay is intended to highlight some of the problems associated with the use of mobile phones in class and suggest possible solutions to these challenges.

Distraction and Lack of Concentration

Mobile phone use in class is believed to be a great source of distraction (Keengwe, Schnellert and Jonas 2014, p.445). The distraction comes in two phases. First, a ringing phone or text beeps constantly distract the class as a whole; the concentration of other students, as well as educators, is shifted by this phenomenon. This may happen involuntarily since individuals may forget to silence their phones before classroom sessions begin. Learning should be student-centered and thus if the students lack concentration, no effective pedagogy can take place. The shift in concentration can also be individual-based rather than group-based. The individual student with the mobile phone in class may be constantly distracted with texts and calls. Also, the entertaining properties of the smartphone is a constant distractor as some students boldly and disrespectfully stick to their earphones and headphones instead of concentrating on the lesson. A big challenge presents with controlling the use of mobile phone in class since students are more likely to use the phone to socialize and for entertainment instead of educational purposes. The problem can be eliminated by restricting phone use to breaks such as lunch. Strict school policy development has proven to solve this problem in some institutions.

Reduced Learning and Lack of Respect

Secondly, using phones in class by students contributes to reduced learning and lack of respect (Keengwe, Schnellert and Jonas 2014, p.446). Even in situations where the use is restricted to non-class time, students seem to focus on what they should do with their phone after class instead of concentrating on absorbing and discussing what has been taught. Spending time on phones is a rude behavior portrayed by students since they need to focus on developing relationships with fellow students and educators. These two behavioral trends thus lead to reduced learning and lack of respect to both fellow students and teachers. To curb this challenge, the use of phones can be restricted in the school compound except for emergency purposes.

Cheating in Examinations and Assignments

Thirdly, mobile phones present an efficient way for students to cheat in examinations and assignments (Deubel 2009). Tests that are taken at different times are the most vulnerable since students can easily capture questions with phone cameras and send to colleagues. At the same time, students can text each other answers during an examination without being discovered by those invigilating the exams. The notorious problem is a huge challenge that can be eliminated by vigilance and strict exams policies. The students who are found with mobile phones in class can be discontinued from the classes or even the institution to discourage the behavior. Proper installation of cameras in exam rooms can further help in curbing this menace.

Unethical Behaviors and Theft

Another challenge presented by the use of mobile phones in class include the development of unethical behaviors of theft (Deubel 2009). The attractive nature of smartphones presents the opportunity and the temptation to steal them for various reasons. The loss comes with many challenges including depression and disruption of learning. Students find it hard to concentrate on taking care of their phones and fulfill learning duties concurrently. This in turn favor losses and theft. Also, a school environment does not favor the handling of mobile phones. They are more susceptible to falls and breakages in this type of environment. This challenge can be solved through the adoption of strict policies regarding theft and heavy punishment to offenders. Discouraging the use of mobile phones in a school environment is likewise a viable solution.


Conclusively, a mobile phone has various applications in the classroom setting that can aid in learning. The development of the mobile technology is a huge stride in enhancing learning. However, the phone limits itself in classroom applicability for various reasons. Without proper control, the disruptive nature, as well as the unethical behaviors associated with mobile phone use in class and in school at large, outweigh the benefits.


Deubel, P., 2009. Mobile devices: Facing challenges and opportunities for learning.       THE Journal (Transforming Education Through Technology).

Ikeguchi, C., 2008. Mobile Phones in the Classroom.

Keengwe, J., Schnellert, G. and Jonas, D., 2014. Mobile phones in education:           Challenges and opportunities for learning. Education and Information           Technologies, 19(2), pp.441-450.

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