Understanding Exposition: Setting the Stage in Literature

It is a large –scale public exhibition or show that is basically done to send meaning or purpose of an art or manufactured products. Exposition has been used as an instrument in music, plays, films, poetry, television programs and literature presentations. When an exposition is done, the audience is able to understand and have background information on what is to be performed

        b) How is exposition used in a drama?

Exposition in drama is pointed out in the opening scenes and it is the first among the five-structure items required in a play i:e exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. Exposition is used to in drama to introduce vital information on the characters, original conflict of the plot and the setting of the story. It is then expressed through thoughts, flashbacks or character dialogue.

       c) Why is exposition important to the development of the plot?

Exposition comes at the beginning of the plot. It helps the audience to know the setting of the narrative where it unfolds. Exposition also gives the audience important information about characters before the story begins.

       2. Compare realism and naturalism

They avoid artificial, fantasy and supernatural elements hence providing basic views of life and humanity that stripe away the segments of romanticism to present a natural or real outlook of work. They also don’t idealize the subject. Contrary to their similarities, realism is a faithful representation of life while naturalism brings a record of despair.

      3. Discuss why a film or television show you have seen might be categorized as postmodern.

There is film ‘War Room’ that entails a love story in couples who had been together for long and had children of their own. The husband became so hostile to his wife and the kids making it hard for them to survive, the wife was a believer who believed in God and miracles. Throughout the life the husband spends time with other women and drinking alcohol while the wife on her knees praying for the husband and children are left out of this. At the end of the film the husband changes to a more responsible man and loving husband.it is categorized as postmodern because it represents rejection of traditional ideas about how the world works and how you can make sense of it.

      4. How do you think theatre will be affected by digital technologies? Explain your answer.

Digital technologies will make theatres more simple and precise hence bringing national cohesion. This is because they allow audiences to participate in different ways thus becoming full participants.


Holdsworth, Nadine, Jane Milling, and Helen Nicholson. "Theatre, Performance, and the Amateur Turn." (2017): 4-17.

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