The Use of Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics in the Creation of Mobile Applications

The Use of Big Data Analytics in Mobile Application Development

The article explains how Apple organization uses big data analytics in the creation of mobile applications that would help different companies in predicting their supply chain management (SCM). Apple has utilized the presence of business intelligence in big data as a platform for creating mobile applications that are helping businesses in achieving their objectives. For instance, Tim Cook is said to have mastered the art of supply chain management in Apple Company[1]. Tim Cook also helped Apple Company in maximizing their profits through the incorporation of business intelligence and the use of big data analytics.

Facilitating Strategic Planning with Mobile Applications and Big Data

Big data and business intelligence have been used in creating mobile applications that are facilitating the strategic planning of supply chain management. For example, big data consists of the modern examples of information stored as word documents, powerpoint presentations, videos, audios, and other forms of telecommunications. The modern set of information will be incorporated in a mobile application which will be used to communicate information regarding the supply chain process[2]. Therefore, various businesses will benefit by enhancing communication which will facilitate the progress of the business operations. Business operations can be predictable with the inclusion of the mobile applications with big data analysis hence; promotes the conductivity of businesses.

Enhancing Global Supply Chain Management with Mobile Applications

Furthermore, business intelligence has been applied to the development of mobile applications in Apple Company Devices to facilitate the global supply chain management. The global supply chain involves various risks associated with the movements of products from one point to another. For example, an organization would not communicate any unforeseeable challenge that would affect the movement of the products globally[3]. Therefore, the availability of mobile applications that have been prepared by big data and business intelligence would ease the process of transporting the products.


Kerschberg, Ben. "How Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Analytics Are Fueling Mobile Application Development." Forbes. Dec 17, 2014. Accessed February 16, 2018.

[1]. Ben, Kerschberg. "How Big Data, Business Intelligence and Analytics Are Fueling Mobile Application Development." Forbes. Dec 17, 2014.

[2]. Ben, Kerschberg. "How Big Data, Business Intelligence and Analytics Are Fueling Mobile Application Development." Forbes. Dec 17, 2014.

[3]. Ben, Kerschberg. "How Big Data, Business Intelligence and Analytics Are Fueling Mobile Application Development." Forbes. Dec 17, 2014.

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