The Pros and Cons of President Trump's Decision to Impose Tariffs on Imported Goods

President Trump’s idea of introducing tariffs on imported foreign goods is highly beneficial to the Americans. The policy has created 20 times more jobs in the American economy within the last six months. According to the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) study, the number of jobs created as a result of the tariffs exceeds those lost as a result of the same tariffs. Notably, CPA reports that within the last six months, the tariffs have created 11, 100 jobs as compared to 514 jobs lost as a result of the tariffs (Binder, 2018). Therefore, the tariffs are boosting the growth of the U.S. economy.

            I believe President Trump’s move to impose tariffs on imported goods was a rational idea, as it is associated with a positive economic gain. The decision to impose tariffs on imported goods is saving jobs in the American economy. Industries are forced to invest more in local industries, thereby increasing jobs for the local people. Tariffs on foreign-made goods are helpful in eliminating the price advantage over the locally made ones, thus increasing the sales for local firms and securing jobs for thousands of Americans in those industries. This is already evident in the economy of America, as many industries are expanding their firms, thereby increasing job opportunities. As far as the idea of imposing tariffs is associated with few challenges such as losing some jobs, it has contributed to the growth of the U.S. economy.

            I am aware that other people may be having a different idea about President Trump’s move to impose tariffs. However, this does not make us enemies, considering the fact that we are in a free world where each and everyone’s opinion counts. Therefore, I would be in a position to defend my argument with anyone of a contrary opinion, based on the facts provided.  


Binder, J. (2018). Study: 20X as Many American Jobs Created from Trump Tariffs than Jobs Lost. Retrieved from

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