The Position of the White Man in the United States

The text by Charles W. Chesnutt captures the attention of the reader when he gets to bring out the position of the white man as well as his value in various states. The Negros who are the people of color are discriminated against and worse of brought to book when intermarriages occur among them. The white man was regarded as superior in the eyes of the law and was entitled to several privileges such civil and political status in the society, through the constitution of 1876.  However, as time goes by this law has been demystified, and the Negros have gained recognition in those Southern States and can sue in a court of law for any violation of the human rights and be compensated for any damages. They can own property, intermarry and approval in the social matters. Despite the current recognition of the Negros in the modern world, History never fades away, and there stands a chance of recurring behavior.

Misery of the Negroes

The article by Charles W. Chesnutt explains the value of the white man in the United States and the fate that befalls them in the attempt of intermarriage with the Negros to the extent of being fined for the act as provided for in the laws of the state. He stipulates the percentage of the blood in their vessels that renders them a wholly white or as Negros.

The text brings me to the realization of the Negros and Africans, in particular, are discriminated against in some various states to the extent of imposing fines on any intermarriages with the whites. This situation shows a disregard for the blacks and racism of the highest level. This discrimination lowers the level of interaction with the blacks, and it increases the drifts that have been building bridges over the years.

The text conquers with my view of the racism that has been peddled over the years that in turn lowers the dignity of particular humans in various states of the world. Despite the much efforts to bury this racism, the text revives the position of the whites amidst Negros. The attempt to put in place the ‘black laws ‘in Georgia legislature was not enacted draws the line of discrimination. The minister who suffered humiliation as a result of being denied access to the first class cortege at the Baltimore steamboat company stamps the question of discrimination by whites.

It is a great step made from the tough times of jailing if an association of the whites with Negros was suspected and stamped in the hands of the law. The good news is that the children of such relations that were regarded as illegitimate have been appreciated. Most people in the United States are colored and have accumulated wealth. These children are no longer an issue to marry and give in marriage. My opinion on racism has, therefore, be challenged.

The text does not in as much cover what is of interest to the modern world. The world today is interested in building closer bridges between all races regardless of the percentage of mixture of the blood. Whether whites or Negros we have become a global village whereby interdependence has gained popularity and racism fading away gradually. The text, however, has passed the ‘who cares’ test by informing us the discrimination is a long time tale.

The text is very informative, as it shows the level of growth and evolution from what people vehemently held on an advantage based on color lines. It helps appreciate the passage of time and dilution of racism. Form the text we appreciate the revolution of the laws that divided people to new laws of the land that appreciates the children that were regarded sin and hence illegitimate.

This piece of art can be classified as entertaining and mind jogging as it raises various reactions. The writer referring the white man as ‘disfranchisement of the thrifty race’ is some artwork to cover up his discrimination. The writer explains very well what had brought about the disparity and classified the white man as special amidst the people of color in various states.

The text is one worth reading again and recommending it to the African states to understand the revolution that has occurred over the years. Most people have remained in the cocoon of racism as it as a seed planted in their mind but should be suppressed to bring unity and acceptance of all races regardless of the skin color. The story has been brought to the limelight very well.      


Chesnutt Charles, W. “What is a White Man” (1889).

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