The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History by Jennifer Price


"The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History" by Jennifer Price is a brilliant piece of writing. Price plays with metaphors, diction, and tone to expose the pretentiousness of the United States. Price also uses bold words to make her point, mocking the fifties' ideals of wealth and success. This essay makes important points about symbolism and rhetorical devices.

Jennifer Price's essay "The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History"

The title of Jennifer Price's essay "The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History" sets the tone for the entire piece. Price writes with an accusatory tone, referring to the plastic pink flamingos. It is obvious from the tone of the essay that the writer does not favor the American culture and its values. In a sarcastic tone, Price delivers the facts about the flamingo image, but she does so in a way that is both witty and educational.

The symbolism behind the plastic pink flamingo

The title of Jennifer Price's essay is a witty play on words. By juxtaposing the flamingo with a modern-day affluent society, Price points out that the flamingo has come to symbolize a world of excess. The unusual pink color of the flamingo translates to an expensive and luxurious lifestyle. The flamingo has become a symbol of boldness and arrogance in modern society. Likewise, a flamingo's plastic lawn decor symbolizes a shallow, superficial view of the American lifestyle.


The flamingo is a symbol of Florida. As such, the pink flamingo represents a tropical paradise, and has been so since the fifties. The pink flamingo sprang to popular culture when it first appeared on the market. As a result, the plastic flamingo became synonymous with wealth and pizzazz, and it has since become a cultural symbol as well.

The significance of flamingos

The flamingo is also a symbol of happiness and luck. They are social and playful and are often seen in gardens or nightclubs. In addition to being visually appealing, flamingos have a spiritual significance and are often associated with people who want to live an adventurous lifestyle. They also represent people who want to make a difference in the world. They have an affinity for kindness and are often associated with those who are dedicated to doing good.

Evolution of flamingo as a lawn ornament

The evolution of the plastic pink flamingo as a yard ornament is a fascinating and complex story. It started in 1946 when the Union Products company started manufacturing Plastics for the Lawn. At the time, plastic flamingos were considered an insensitive symbol of bad taste. In the 1950s, however, the industry pushed for lawn ornaments that would make lawns look more natural. As a result, the plastic flamingos were born, giving rise to a craze for the neon totem of tropical tackiness.

Featherstone's contribution

After Featherstone's original design, the plastic pink flamingo became a popular lawn ornament. It was originally created by a man named Don Featherstone, who was unable to obtain live flamingos for his sculptures. Featherstone based the original sculptures on a National Geographic photo. Featherstone's plastic flamingos quickly rose to popularity as lawn ornaments and earned a place in pop culture. Eventually, Featherstone began adding a signature to each flamingo, and his lawn flamingos can be purchased as singles or in pairs.

Symbolism as a rhetorical device

The author uses metaphors in the natural history of the plastic pink flammingo to convey a variety of messages. For instance, he compares the flamingo to a rich person's lifestyle. The flamingo's unusual color means it is considered more expensive and desirable, and its bold appearance signifies confidence and ostentatiousness. Despite its superficial appeal, this metaphor is sarcastic and suggests that the flamingo represents the arrogance and ostentatious ideals of American culture.

Price's novel is an example of this sort of rhetorical strategy in action. After providing a brief history of flamingos, she uses symbolism to illustrate the irony of the American society. The pink flamingo symbolizes vulgar materialism and American consumerism, and in a sense, the flamingo is a symbol of these attitudes.

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