The Language of Comparing And Contrasting

Lesson Plan on Academic Language Template for Educational Elementary Teachers

Academic Language

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Grade Level: 4



Instructional Plan Title

Unit Subject ELL ( English Language Learning)

Informational Text


Academic Language: Language of Comparing and Contrasting

Key Vocabulary:

Both: For this vocabulary will teach the students through thought and context which will entail developing a dialogue where the term will be used. The learners will be expected to know the place where that dialogue is taking place or the context. The learners will have to know what subject A has that lacks in B. To show commonality the students will perform a simple arithmetic and state the answers they got whereby definitely both of them will be having similar answers.  


The function of the vocabulary is to compare and contrast amongst two things whereby they are likely to have similarities. For example, they will be two graphics having similar features. The students will be expected to show the features that are common to both graphics. Besides the term can be used to show commonness in terms of opinions held by two individuals.


There will be categories of objects with similarities and students will survey them to show what is common in them. The learners will make a sentence on A and B using the word both with its accompanying structures such as Subject A and B both have X features in common. They will be required to show instances of analogous relationship which requires extended thinking whereby they will have to explain why subject A and B are of the same category because they have X features in common. Besides can be used to show the difference (Claude, 8).  For example subject, A and B will be different from C since both of them have similar features that are dissimilar to those contained in C.

The language of Comparing and Contrasting

Whereas: To teach on this team will first make two graphic representation of an old man and a young woman where one will be the wife and the other graphic image will supposedly show the husband. The learners will be expected to estimate their age by using the term. The learners will further make contrast on obvious differences that exist between his/her classmates such as one has brown eyes whereas the one for the desk mate is blue. Will provide learners with multiple examples where the term has been used in the sentence to help them know the differences of the functional vocabulary as well as grammatical structures based on how the term is used under different circumstances.

Is a term used to show contrast that exists between two facts? The subjects under study will be having a number of similarities however they are other facts that make them to be dissimilar or not belong to the same category. At the same time can be used to indicate contrasts that exist amongst two subjects that have no similarities at all. 

To use this vocabulary in the right manner the learners have to know its common sentence structures. It requires one to make a sentence where subject A has to be denoted by a particular fact and B provided with another fact which is not obvious. Based on one’s own judgments it is possible to make further differences they may note from the two (Endang,34). For example, whereas the husband is over 60 years the wife must be below 30 years of age based on her facial structure. 

The language of Comparing and Contrasting

Different: Will provide graphical images of two subjects with a number of similarities and differences therein. The students will be required to state the similarities that are between subject A and subject B and then present the differences that exist between the two. For example, toy A and B are rather different because A has 4 dots while B has got only two. The students will practice on constructing other sentences by using examples from their learning environment such as the vehicles use when commuting to school

Different is used in multiple contexts whereby the first one is when two things are not the same and facts have to be presented to show why they cannot be in the same category. Informally the word is used when the speaker thinks that something is unusual at the same time shows bad judgments. Besides can be used to show something which exists in a different league (Mari, 130). For example, your fashion level is different from mine.

To use this word well within a sentence structure the learners have to identify two subjects that will be under comparison. After identifying each of them should be unique facts or attributes and then use words such as because to illustrate the difference between them. After the vocabulary right accompanying adjectives to modify it should be utilized for example, by, than, from, among others.

Work Cited

Goldenberg, Claude. "Teaching English language learners: What the research does-and does not say." (2008): 8.

Fauziati, Endang. "Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)." (2010).

Haneda, Mari. "From academic language to academic communication: Building on English learners’ resources." Linguistics and Education 26 (2014): 126-135.

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