The Influence of Peer Interaction on Classroom Learning

The research aim was to explore the influence of peer interaction on classroom learning. In the paper, learning is defined as a collective and participatory process of active knowledge interaction, while the concept of peer interaction if perceived as a method of cognitive elaboration which is carried out between students and there is less or no supervision from the educator. Furthermore, peer interaction in a classroom differ with nature and take different forms.  Some of the categories of peer interaction that are discussed in the essay include collaborative learning, peer tutoring, and peer modeling. Peer tutoring occurs when one student helps a peer to meet the set goal, while in peer modeling the most proficient learner exhibits a learning behavior which is imitated by other students. Collaborative learning takes place when students depend on each other to meet the common goal, and it is not possible for one to achieve the objectives with the absence of the other members.

Moreover, the hypothesis in this essay states that peer interaction has a positive relationship with learning in a classroom setting. As a result, this paper identifies some benefits of peer interaction such as aids to develop favorable and favorable learning environment, allows students to share ideas, promote peer-peer teaching, fosters knowledge acquisition, help students to acquire a timely response from their peers, and encourages critical thinking, as well as shared understanding. The hypothesis is also proved using psychological theories such as social interaction, cognitive elaboration, and operant functioning theory. Social interaction involves both Vygotskian and Piagetian approach which provides a groundwork for peer interaction that is based on development, although they differ in their explanation on individual processes of cognition or social processes. All the three theories described in this essay rely on Vygotskian and Piagetian approaches. Both Vygotsky and Piaget emphasize a constructivist theory to learning and teaching which involves both social and individual processes. A constructivist viewpoint proposes that people develop meaning using their earlier understandings to make sense of new experiences. With evidence from the theories mentioned above, the essay thus concludes that peer interaction has a significant positive influence on learning in a classroom setting, and teachers should foster social interaction in their teaching strategies

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