The Influence of Dorian Gray on Lord Henry

The picture of Dorian Gray is a Gothic and philosophical novel by Oscar Wilde, first published complete in   July 1980 issue of Lippincott's monthly magazine. Fearing the story was indecent, the magazine’s editor without Wilde’s knowledge deleted roughly five hundred words before publication.

Despite the censorship, The Picture of Dorian Gray offended the moral responsibilities of the British book reviewers, some of whom said that Oscar Wilde merited prosecution for violating the laws guarding the public morality. In response, Wilde aggressively defended his novel and art in the correspondence with the British press, although he personally made excisions of some of the most controversial material when revising and lengthening the story for book publication the following year.      

The longer and revised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray published  I the book form in 1891, featured an aphoristic preface –a defence of art for art's sake –based in part on his press defences of the novel the previous year. The content, style and the presentation of the preface made it famous in its own right as a literary and artistic manifesto. In April 1891, the publishing firm of ward, lock, and company published the revised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray. The Picture of Dorian Gray ‘pivots on a gothic plot device’ with strong themes interpreted from Faust.        

How the yellow book influenced Lord Henry to help influence Dorian.

The yellow book is a British quarterly literary periodical that was published from 1894 to 1897. The yellow book was sent to Dorian by Lord Henry to amuse him after the suicide of his first love. Lord Henry plays a vital role as the only external force that influences Dorian, and therefore is responsible for his downfall and destruction. Lord Henry influences though physical objects truly corrupt Dorian to a point beyond return. Henry uses his charisma to influence Dorian ‘’you have explained me to myself, harry,’’ he murmured with a sigh of relief. ‘’I felt all you have said, but somehow I was afraid of it, and I could not express it myself’’ (Wilde, 99)

Lord Henry not only affects Dorian internally but also affects the way he handles serious situations. For example, the Lord's influence in the present as he convinces Dorian that he had nothing to do with Sibyl’s death. ‘’Dorian: so I have murdered Sibyl Vane. Murdered her as surely as if I had cut the little Throat with a knife.’’ Henry gives Dorian speech about how she never lived because she was just an actress in a play. Even when Dorian wishes to sow poppies in his garden Henry says ‘’there is no necessity’’ (Wilde, 97)

Dorian influence

The power of influence is the most significant themes in the novel.  Dorian influence upon Basil Hallward, occur where Basil upon seeing Dorian is instantly enamored by the men’s presence. Basil can think of nothing else but is only happy in Dorian’s presence. Dorian’s influence upon Basil is so potent that Basil idolizes and even worship Dorian to some extent going so far as to say:’ ’He is all my art to me now’’ (Wilde, 98). Dorian doesn’t realize this but eventually, Dorian takes advantage of Basil, forcing Basil to reveal his secrets idolatry and convincing gullible Basil that Dorian is not as bad as his reputation would suggest .the blind trust that basil has towards Dorian leads to Basil’s murder at the hand of Dorian.

Sibyl’s influence

Dorian met Sibyl and was completely enthralled by her beauty and artistic intelligence. Sibyl gave Dorian a new purpose in his life and brought out the best qualities in Dorian. she also kept him in a righteous path, as Dorian claims: 'I am changed, and the more touch of sibyl vane's hands makes me forget you (Lord Henry)and all your wrong, fascinating, poisonous, delightful theories ‘'(Wilde, 99).

On the other hand, Dorian has a very different and far mortal influence on Sibyl. Sibyl becomes obsessed with Dorian similar to how Basil was obsessed with Dorian. Unlike Basil and Dorian, Sibyl receives Dorian romantic affection back further spurring her feelings. She becomes so possessed by Dorian that she loses her ability to act. Dorian, in reality, loved her acting and when she lost her character he becomes irate saying: ‘I will never see you again .i will never think of you. i will never mention your name. You don’t know what you were to me, once. Why once….Oh, I can’t bear to think of it! i wish I had never laid my eyes upon you!’ ’This deeply hurt Sibyl. She felt as if she had lost her ‘’prince charming’’ and life focus. As a result, she committed suicide.

Oscar Wilde

Throughout his life, Oscar Wilde had many strong influences exerted on him. During his early childhood his mother influenced him and into college, some of his professors and philosophers left a substantial impression upon him. Into adulthood, this influence leaked out in his writings. This influence gave him ample ideas for writing The Picture of Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde more effeminate to life and the way he looked at beauty attributed in his writings. But the most important influence was at Oxford by Walter Peter, a fellow at Brasenose College and the writer of sensational studies in the history of Renaissance (1873). Peter was a direct influence on Wilde's insatiable love for beauty which spilled over into The Picture of Dorian Gray. 

During his college years, Wilde also came across the teaching of Epicurus; a Greek philosopher who lived in 342-270 B.C.E. and thought that pleasure was the highest good. Wilde and peter concerned themselves with sense-perception, wholeness, and the soul. It was the belief of Wilde that ‘the exterior beauty of a man conceals inner moral decrepitude.   

Lord Henry influence.

Dorian whole life bends home that of Harry’s sick and twisted theories of life. The first time Lord Henry met Dorian, he turned the innocent’s boy’s life completely upside down. Lord   Henry tells Dorian that: when your youth goes, your beauty will go with it… live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon always searching for a new afraid of nothing. A new Hedonism –that's what our century wants…With your personality, there is nothing you could not do. The world belongs to you for a season’’. Henry’s influence grows stronger after sibyl dies and Dorian receives the yellow book. For Lord Henry, he was able to twist and manipulate Dorian’s every whim. Dorian though Lord’s influence, fully gives in to an individualistic aesthetic hedonistic lifestyle which Lord Henry promoted.

Basil influence

 Basil was influenced by his model Dorian. On a personal level, he is confused and changed by his romantic feelings. Dorian influence is more far-reaching, actually seeing to change Basil's ability for painting and to change the painting itself in an almost supernatural way. The influence here describes an almost chemical change that one can assign to feelings and the perception of painting. Basil can think of nothing else, only happy in Dorian’s presence. Basil is so potent that he idolizes and  even worshiping Dorian to the extent going so far as to say ‘He is all my art to me now.' eventually Dorian takes advantage of Basil forcing Basil to reveal his secrets idolatry and convincing gullible Basil that Dorian is not as bad as bad reputation would suggest. Basil is a good friend of Dorian and he is the one who introduces him to Lord Henry. Basil begs Henry by saying ‘Don’t spoil him. Don’t try to influence him. Your influence would be bad’’. The blind trust that Basil has towards Dorian eventually leads to Basil’s murder at the hands of Dorian. Wilde uses the relationship between Basil and Dorian to show how influence can lead to a person to believe anything and trust anyone.


Wilde’s use of influence through the novel showcase the utter strength and power influence can hold an individual. Wilde uses three characters to reflect the battle of good and evil that exists in every man. The battle between good and evil is represented in the characters of Basil and Lord Henry Wotton. Wilde uses the similarities and differences to Goethe’s Faust and the book of Genesis. Overall, Wilde neither condemn nor support influence, he just showcases its raw powers.

Work Cited

Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Рипол Классик.

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