The Importance of Web Presence

Web Presence: A Key Element in Business Success

Web presence is also known as internet presence or website that contains a collection of web files and documents available on the website home page, that aids its clients and customers to get information pertaining the website. It does not matter if the business is a small, local, or corporate it depends on selling and promoting the business to the entire world by enhancing and establishing markets for the business thus web presence is vital in this process. A business can optimize its online presence by eliminating old information, completing google and local page, giving the website a facelift, nurture a relationship with the fan base and ask for reviews. One key principle of digital strategy are to be where a business target audience for what they are looking for. A business would have to complete listings for media to be able to research products or services.

The Role of Web Presence Optimization

The amount of web presence is measured by the amount of sites which are linked to the web such as blogs and social networks (web presence optimization, 2012). I decided to choose word press as my foundation of web presence to create a blog this because of the available templates and videos that make it easy to learn and create.

Utilizing Delicious Node and BlogSpot Node

The major node in my web presence was delicious this because it allows for the information which will be saved through bookmarks in the website, also through the delicious node, you can collect data.

In addition to delicious node I also used a BlogSpot node that aids the users and clients of the online to post information, it also allows bloggers an opportunity for proper communication.

Key Considerations for Successful Web Presence

Key issues that need to be considered to ensure a successful Web site include:

  1. Setting objectives for the Web site

  2. Registering the domain name

  3. Building the Web pages

  4. Hiring a Web host

  5. Publishing the Web pages

  6. Driving business to the Web site

  7. Steps 7, 8, and 9: maintaining the Website (O'Connor,P., 2008)

Building Blocks of a Great Website

A properly created website gives a business standard for launching an online presence. There are four building blocks of a great site. The four building sites are visuals, responsive design, concise messaging, and content. You can also have a building site called Wix or Squarespace.

Visuals: Making the First Impression Count

Visuals are the first impression on a visitor on your website would judge immediately after viewing. Visuals may include pictures and simple word art as well as language which will put enfaces to the impressions.

Responsive Design: Accessible Anywhere, Anytime

Responsive design ensures the website is easily accessible through smartphones, tablets, and desktop. About fifty-one percent of the website clients access websites through smartphones. Therefore, in order to rise above the competition in the loss of sales and leads, you have to have a search engine that is mobile friendly. Responsive design is the approach or process for the creation of a web page that entails the use of different styles and approaches with the lowest common denominator (Fox,R., 2012).

Concise Messaging: Communicating Effectively

Brief messages communicate the importance of texting and pictures that aid in conversion. Concise information should match the business objectives. This web page would capture the visitor’s attention so that the visitor would stay on the page to capture more of what going on with the business.

Content: The Power of Fresh and Evergreen

Content has two categories. They are fresh and evergreen. Evergreen is informative and always fresh. Content is crucial in increasing web presence to connect to points on the list.

Using Google and Local Pages for Increased Visibility

Today people use the internet to find business recommendations and, in the past, the yellow pages for local business. Using Google and local page helps people to find your business faster and gets to know how your products or services are reviewed. With some basic knowledge of how to optimize your Web presence and professionalism in your Web content, you'll be on your way to building the client base you want. The Internet won't generate huge business for you overnight. But, if you consistently devote a few hours a week to your Web presence, you should see positive results in time. (Redlich,W., 2010)

The Importance of Giving Your Website a Facelift

Giving the website a facelift is to add vital information to be able to search easy and providing location data as well as being colorful, user-friendly, highlighting what customers are wanting, and giving the same information as if they were to visit the business. The 10 Cs of an effective website are detailed: Content, Communication, Customer care, Community and culture, Convenience and ease, Connectivity, Cost and profitability, Customization, Capability, and Competitiveness (Kourdi,J., 2009).

Establishing a Relationship through Reviews

Asking for reviews would lead to customers advice on how the product or services were, how could the business better serve them, or having a relationship with the customer's hands-on.

Optimizing Web Presence through Various Elements

On the other hand, you can see a business can be optimized by web presence through visuals, responsive design, concise messaging, content, and asking for reviews. Web presence is a vital part of producing a product or services while helping a business to expand. Although it takes time, energy, and money to consume a proper website that goes along with a business in order to enhance the mission, value, and quality of the business.

Choosing the Right Tools for Web Presence

Exegesis for web presence refers are the choices and themes used in the web presence and how they are displayed, every web developer has their own ways of presenting the web presence, it is necessary to ensure that the website reflects the identity of the business personality. One of the best central nodes used for creating and designing website and blog is the Wix which is a 2.0 version tool, easy to use and available templates.

In addition, my contributing nodes towards the creation of the web presence are the Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks platforms, this is because they are easy to follow.

The Benefits of a Customer-Friendly App

One additional way for Safeway to create an online presence is for them to create a customer-friendly app. The App could help the consumer create a list of groceries needed "on the fly" before they place their order online or go directly to the store to do their shopping. The app could also send the consumer updates or notifications of specials and coupons.

Blogging: Adding Value to Your Business Website

The significant reasons for adding blogs to the website for the business includes the following. Firstly, it makes it more attractive to the search engines, secondly, it is a great way in providing information and educating clients about the products, business, finally blogs gives a human mind and thus making it stand out from other web page or online sites. (Bradley and company .com, 2017) In addition, blogs in your website are quick and easy to set up, and inexpensive setup, easy access to company news, as noted above, it is search engine friendly, your company appears accessible, it gives your company brand awareness, it is a way of relationship building with your customers.


Bradley and company .com. (2017).

Fox, R. (2012).

Kourdi, J. (2009).

O'Connor, P. (2008).

Redlich, W. (2010).

web presence optimization. (2012).

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