The Importance of Technology in Human Resource Management

Concerning the increased accidents at the manufacturing plant, it has come to my attention that it is due to carelessness and poor attitudes from some workers. I urge each one of you to be careful while working and to put forward any complains or rather concerns that might be leading to the increased accidents so that these concerns can be addressed. It is important for everyone to read through and adhere to the OSHA safety laws because we have reviewed the manufacturing plant and it complies with OSHA.

Question 2

 At our company, we appreciate the importance of creating an inclusive environment where our employees can feel secure, valued, included, and empowered. We value our employees’ views and opinions regardless of their age, gender, race, color, disability, and ethnicity because they are our most valued assets. We recognize all employees for their efforts and our goal is to foster a healthy working environment full of ideas and great talent to create a profound sense of pride for our employees in the company. Our company is devoted to diversity and inclusion.

Question 3

Technology plays a vital role in human resource management because it has made communication easier. The human resource management team can communicate easily via emails, office emails, and memos without having to meet physically. Technology has given the human resource management a tool that has helped them reduce administrative tasks.

Technology has changed the part of human resource managers because it has made it easier for them to recruit, hire, and train new staff members efficiently thus making the human resource manager task easy.  Human resource managers can use computer technology to access any information on employees and their performance and this works better for the organization.

Question 4

Yes, we do need unions because they are vital in setting standards in working conditions, wages, education, and the quality of the lives of workers. Without unions, it means people will not have a platform to air their grievances and fight for their rights. The unions are there to protect the rights of workers and to fight for their rights if they are infringed. Unions won many of the rights people enjoy at work because their work is to negotiate better terms and conditions for the workers. 

Question 5

From a consequential theory view, Hank Krendle has the option to recommend Jason for the position or not to. He could choose the option of recommending Jason Krueger for the promotion but if he does this, Maxim Factory could lose one of their largest and oldest clients because the group might fail to perform up to the standards without Jason’s invaluable talents.

From the rule-based theory, Hank should respect the promise he made to Jason. Hank had promised Jason that he would recommend him for a promotion if there were an opening therefore, he has no option than to do it then find another way to sort out the Maxim Factory project. He should Jason for the current position.

 Jason’s case is a character-based dilemma whereby Hank has to decide whether to do the right thing or not. He promised Jason that he would recommend him for a promotion if it comes up. Therefore, since the position is here, Hank should fulfill his promise because Jason not only deserves the position because of the promise but also because he stands out from the rest of the team. In addition, Jason has worked hard to deserve the position and if he does not get it now, there may not be any other opening soon and this could adversely hurt Jason’s career advancement, and he might leave the company.

I think Hank should recommend Jason for the account manager position and then request the company to let him do this last project with Maxim Factory. Jason deserves the promotion and he can still work part-time with the team if the assignment requires his input or rather expertise. It is true that Hank worked hard to earn this account with Maxim factory, but this should not be a reason to prevent Jason from advancing his career.

Question 6

From a consequential theory standpoint, Aaron has very few options for this dilemma. He could suggest that a few employees leave and find new jobs but the selection process would be difficult for him and it could cause a strike leaving the company with no one. If he chooses to let everyone stay, the company will continue sinking. Lastly, he could decide to lay off a few and offer them a package and a letter of recommendation and remain with the few loyal employees and this way the company continues enjoying the profit. Therefore, he has to choose to be bad/good boss to a few than letting the company sink.  

According to the rule-based theory, Aaron should do what he has to do to keep the company running even if it means laying off some employees.

Viewing Aaron’s case through the character theory, it is evident that the dilemma is very difficult for him. He risks losing the company, the employees, and the shareholders if he makes a wrong move. Therefore, he has to choose between the stability of the company or being loyal to the employees. Keeping all of them will not help the company at all, so he has to accept the consequences but do the right thing.

As the CEO, Aaron should provide full disclosure, explain the situation to both the shareholders and the employees then lay off a few, and remain with those the company can handle. Varnett Publishing is facing bankruptcy, this is not going to change, and so he has to act by ensuring that he saves the company. I understand this decision has its consequences but he has no option than to save the Varnett from bankruptcy.

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