The Importance of Studying in College

Time Management and Prioritization

During the course, I learned to make the most out of my time through time management and prioritizing significant tasks. As such, I realized that one needs to stay organized physically and intellectually to save time (Feldman " Poirier 2).\u00a0 I also learned that note taking is essential as it helps one to concentrate on what is being taught in class as well as enable one to revise for examinations.\u00a0 Equally, I learned that test taking is paramount for a college student since it helps them to understand the content taught in class as they strive to get good grades. Therefore, scholars need to develop excellent testing skills to help them learn.\u00a0 In addition, I learned that reading and remembering is critical for scholars as it helps them learn and achieve excellent grades.\u00a0 Primarily, writing and speaking play a vital role in reading and remembering. As such, scholars should revise their writing and speaking skills to help them in their studies.

Technology and Information Competency

Notably, technology and information competency are a necessity in a student's life. As a result, students need to develop the ability to recognize when information is required and can locate, evaluate and employ the necessary info effectively. In other words, students need to be critical thinkers. When it comes to diversity, scholars should strive to form diversified relationships with others. As a result, this will enable them to be open-minded by exposing them to different opinions and notions that are associated with diversity. Regarding stress, students experience stress meeting academic demands or forming relationships with their colleagues. In the process, their well-being and health get affected by stress. Thus, students should avoid stress by preparing, being intellectual and physically organized, thinking critically, and evaluating their academic and social lives (Feldman " Poirier 1). Ultimately, the approach will ensure that the students' health and well-being are ensured.

Work Cited

Feldman, R. S., " Poirier, C. (2006). The Research Basis for POWER Learning.

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