The Importance of Standard Based Instruction

The first strategy is the level one, which involves the Recalling process, the second group is the level two or the skill and concept development. The next grouping is the level three, which also entails strategic planning and thinking. Then the last grouping represents the level four, which is the extended thinking. Within the four categories, there are other sub units that are helpful in class assessment. For instance, in level one, in order to recall, then some words are very vital in the process, which include naming, stating, relating, drawing, labelling, and illustrating (Akhavan, Jafari, " Fathian, 2006). The latter entails all the words that can be useful in the process of thinking.

Generally, the students would be categorized according to their gender, age, performance with respect to several subjects such as Mathematics, and Reading (McMillan, 2014). Moreover, internet availability and parenting involvement will also be used to categorize them for the purpose of evaluation. The strategy is important when analyzing the students’ behaviors. Therefore, the parents’ involvement can be used to check on the disciplined nature of the students.

The lesson connects to the previous lesson using the Depth of knowledge levels. Here, the student can relate and recall the previous class activities. The lesson enables learners to connect their ideas to the previous ones, especially in the level one of the DOK.

Reflecting on Arturo’s experience in the class profile, the age is rated at grade level, the reading performance rated at one year below the grade level. Other parameters include the math performance level, which is also at the grade level. Meanwhile, the parental involvement is medium and the internet availability at home is “No”. The system of approach, thus, saves the students in recalling given, they have identified their purpose (McMillan, 2014). The sole purpose is to introduce students to standard based practices. The best grouping that can help Arturo is the reading culture group. It will aid in boosting the reading performance to the current grade level.

Therefore, the lesson is meaningful to students as it prepares them on how to tackle their challenges. It is very important to analyze the strength and the weaknesses of oneself before making any meaningful decisions.

The “I Do” instructional procedures

I will make the students get familiarized with the new topic introduced. This will enable them to get sharper by producing illustrations that they can be able to relate well with. In the end, the students can relate well with the intended goal.

Create an aspect of concept development, and make sure that students can be able to master the subjects well.

Formulate the learning materials that would enable the student be able to think critically in solving their problems.

Apply more concepts to the students to detect their extended thinking so that they can solve them.

Students “Do”

The students should be able to relate well with the topic I am introducing. They should tell whether they have understood the process better without their family support or not.

The students should display their mastery of the subjects of concern.

The students should also formulate and make critical decisions depending on the task ahead of them.

The students should apply the subject of matter beyond the academic level.

In Differentiating the Students

Illustrate the different abilities possessed by the students, using some criteria such as examination to assess their performance.

The performance of their work is recorded to analyze the areas of strength and weaknesses to the students.

The students are made to work bet in the areas that they have well mastery on. For instance, if the student is best in particular subject then it is used as the measurability of their performance index.

The internal development of the students is studied using psychological means to note the reason behind the behaviors and academic performance.

Besides the factors mentioned above, some additional information are helpful in assessing the students’ behavioral changes. The age is one of the criteria, which can be used to judge their process development. Nevertheless, students have different capabilities that distinguish their performances in various fields.

The DOK Questions That Can Be Formulated

1. Does the program really help in sharpening the student with knowledge?

2. Are there other parameters that can be used to quantify the student’s performance other than academics?

3. What is the students’ attitude towards their own reflected performances?

4. Can a change of strategy lead to an increase of the output or rather decrease it?

5. Does the parental involvement affect their studies positively or negatively?


Akhavan, P., Jafari, M., " Fathian, M. (2006). Critical success factors of knowledge management systems: a multi-case analysis. European business review, 18(2), 97-113.

McMillan J (2014). Classroom assessment: principle and practice for effective standard based instruction.  Pearson Education Inc

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